Higher Degree by Research Webinar

Tuesday 23 July

Online webinar

  • Online

Event details


  • Online webinar

Date and time

  • Tuesday 23 July 2024, 5.30pm – 6.30pm (GMT+8)

Event type

  • Online


  • International students
  • Postgraduate (considering higher degrees by research)
  • An international agent
  • Studying at another tertiary institution
  • Studying at UWA
  • Graduates or near graduates

Event Fee

  • Free


  • Register now
Register now

Join us for our Higher Degree by Research (HDR) webinar for international students. 

Have you been thinking of venturing into an exciting journey of discovery? Now is the time to realise your ambitions with a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) at The University of Western Australia (UWA). By pursuing a graduate research degree at UWA, you’re taking on a unique opportunity to work alongside a team of passionate and engaged supervisors.

Register now

Why attend this event? 

  • Discover the scholarships available to assist international students studying at UWA 

  • Hear about the benefits of undertaking a higher research degree  

  • Learn about the skills you’ll develop and the internships that are available for international HDR students 

  • Find out how to apply and about our passionate and engaged supervisors 

  • Plus, ask us anything about campus life and what it's like to live, work and study in the vibrant city of Perth! 

Our friendly staff from the Graduate Research School will be available following the session to answer any further questions about undertaking higher research. 

Who should attend this event?  

  • Those looking to start a higher degree by research in 2025, who are interested in studying in Perth and have questions about UWA, our courses, scholarships and want to find out more about applying 

  • Current UWA international postgraduate students considering continuing their studies 

  • Prospective International Higher Degree by Research scholarship applicants who have questions about the application process  

How to get in touch 

Get in touch with our team at the Graduate Research School.