Research options

Research is an exciting journey of discovery, where you'll be working at the ever-shifting boundary between the known and the unknown.

Employers increasingly require people with higher-level analytical skills to create new paths and redefine old approaches. Drive your career further with a UWA research degree – you never know where it might take you.

What do you want to do?

I want to undertake a coursework degree

Browse the coursework degree options.

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I want to undertake a research degree
Choose what type of degree from the options below.

I want to undertake a research degree that

is research only

Research-only doctorates

Research-only master’s degrees

is mainly research but includes some structured coursework

Research and coursework

Some research doctorates can include structured coursework. These courses are all managed by individual faculties.

We offer research master’s degrees that include structured coursework (master’s degrees by thesis and coursework). These courses are also all managed by individual faculties.

combines a PhD with a coursework master’s degree

Combined courses (PhD with professional master’s degree)

The PhD component is managed by the Graduate Research School with the coursework master’s degree component managed by individual faculties.

Find a supervisor

Search the UWA Research Repository to identify potential supervisors in your field of interest.