Student Equity
Aspire UWA
Working together for a brighter future
Aspire UWA works with 70 partner schools and communities in Perth and regional Western Australia to raise aspirations for tertiary education. We encourage students who would not normally consider university to see the benefits and opportunities that university study offers.
We work closely with Western Australian high school students to inspire and educate them about the benefits and opportunities of university study.
Our partner schools value their unique relationship with Aspire UWA, with activities tailored to each school and each year group accordingly. Younger students enjoy active exploration of different disciplinary areas, while the reality of studying at university is reinforced for older students through explanation of pathways, support services and networks, as well as exposure to some of WA's best and brightest minds.
Our University partners, the UWA Medical School, the School of Indigenous Studies and ICRAR provide specialist support to complement our engagement strategy, and staff and students from all across the University contribute to our success.
More than 100,000 students, teachers and families have engaged in our activities and campus since the program began in 2009.
Our partner schools
- Kimberley
- Broome Senior High School
- Derby District High School
- East Kimberley College (previously Kununurra District High School)
- Fitzroy Valley District High School
- Halls Creek District High School
- St Mary’s College
- Wyndham District High School
- Mid-west and Gascoyne
- Carnamah District High School
- Carnarvon Community College
- Champion Bay Senior High School (previously John Willcock College)
- Dongara District High School
- Exmouth District High School
- Geraldton Christian College (previously Strathalbyn Christian College)
- Geraldton Grammar School
- Geraldton Senior High School (previously Geraldton Senior College)
- Jurien Bay District High School
- Kalbarri District High School
- Meekatharra District High School
- Morawa District High School
- Mount Magnet District High School
- Mullewa District High School
- Nagle Catholic College
- Northampton District High School
- St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic School
- Peel
- Austin Cove Baptist College
- Byford Secondary College
- Coodanup College
- Foundation Christian College
- Gilmore College
- Halls Head College
- Harvey Senior High School
- John Tonkin College
- Kolbe Catholic College
- Pinjarra Senior High School
- Rockingham Senior High School
- Safety Bay Senior High School
- Waroona District High School
- Warnbro Community High School
- Perth
- Aranmore Catholic College
- Balga Senior High School
- Ballajura Community College
- Belmont City College
- Cecil Andrews College
- Dianella Secondary College (formerly Mirrabooka Senior High School)
- Darling Range Sports College
- Eastern Hills Senior High School
- Ellenbrook Secondary College
- Fremantle College
- Girrawheen Senior High School
- Governor Stirling Senior High School
- Hampton Senior High School
- Joseph Banks Secondary College
- Kelmscott Senior High School
- Kiara College (formerly Lockridge Senior High School)
- La Salle College
- Lakeland Senior High School
- Lumen Christi College
- Lynwood Senior High School
- Mercy College
- Morley Senior High School
- Southern River College
- Swan View Senior High School
- Thornlie Senior High School
- Warwick Senior High School
- Pilbara
- Hedland Senior High School
- Karratha Senior High School
- Newman Senior High School
- Roebourne District High School
- St Luke’s College
- Tom Price Senior High School
Student volunteers
Our Student Ambassadors are able to closely relate to high school students and share recent experiences of the journey from high school to university. In some cases, the Ambassadors know the high school students, which creates an even greater opportunity to forge relationships and openly discuss the challenges and benefits associated with attending university.
By providing a role model, Ambassadors help students see that they too can aspire to tertiary education. Become an Aspire UWA Student Ambassador and show high school students that uni is for everyone.
How to become a Student Ambassador
- Have an interest in helping high school students aspire to university
- Be able to contribute to events and activities throughout their year (no minimum commitment required)
- Contact [email protected]

Being an Aspire UWA Ambassador is such a great opportunity to be able to engage and connect with students from the high school that I graduated from, as well as other high schools, and understand the particular emotions that they are going through, considering that I went through the same thing not too long ago. It is a great way to break barriers that students may feel are present between themselves and university prospects.Mariam Atieh
Thornlie Senior High School
Law and Society & Criminology

Getting the opportunity to see ideas and issues from an entirely different perspective and meet people from all walks of life was my favourite thing about university. I've been able to use the skills I refined at university to work for values-led and community-driven organisations both overseas and in Australia.Pavlina Hatzopoulos
Mercy College
Communications and Media Studies & Law and Society
Contact the Aspire UWA team
Secondary students gain valuable insight into university life
Aspire UWA and Alcoa Foundation have combined forces to give aspiring university students a taste of not only university campus life but what a post-university career might look like.
Read moreUniversity demystified for aspiring students
More than 100 students from 24 schools, across some of the State’s most remote regions, will arrive at The University of Western Australia next week to take part in a program aimed at demystifying university education and opening the teenagers’ eyes to study opportunities.
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Fairway UWA allows selected students to gain entry to the University through participation in a program of support and activities throughout Year 12.
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
School of Indigenous Studies Outreach
Regional students
Future Students