Integrated Einsteinian Science for School Teachers - PHYSN410

This micro-credential introduces modern Einsteinian concepts related to the themes of the national curriculum. These concepts are
rarely taught to school students despite their enormous explanatory power for understanding the world around us, as well
as their central importance to modern science, technology, and industry.

The following four modules are covered in this micro-credential:
 (1) Atoms, Light, Space, and Climate
(2) Gravity, Energy, and Quantum Mechanics
(3) From Climate to Cosmology
(4) Modern Science in the Real World

This micro-credential course was developed with the support of the Australian Government's Micro-credentials Pilot in Higher Education.

Upon successful completion, you'll receive:

  • Twelve (12) PD Points
  • A Certificate of Achievement
  • A UWA Plus Professional Development Transcript, listing all successfully completed micro-credentials
Delivery mode
This micro-credential will consist of online lectures, live tutorials, and training videos. The course will also incorporate fortnightly, two-hour, interactive online workshop sessions with demonstrators who will run through the activities live, with active audience participation.
Course date
Monday 22 July 2024 - Friday 6 June 2025 [MC-2Y]

Registrations closed

Individual modules available below.

24 weeks
300 hours.  This micro-credential will require a weekly commitment of 3-5 hours per week. All sessions will be recorded if you cannot attend live.  Weekly assessment will consist of multiple-choice concept quizzes and short answer tutorial questions which should take a total of 15-30 minutes per week. At the end of each unit, 1 week will be set aside for assessment. This may involve short written reports or short presentations on topics related to Einsteinian science and your teaching practice.
Academic lead
Professor Li Ju
Thanks to a Microcredentials Pilot in Higher Education grant, eligible domestic participants who enrol this 12 point micro-credential will be offered a fee-free position (limited places available). 
If you do not meet the eligibility requirement for a fee-free position you can register for the 12 point micro-credential at a cost of $1,600 incl. GST
Critical information summary
PHYSN410 - Critical information summary (PDF, 245KB)
Each of the modules that form the 12 point micro-credential can be taken individually as follows:

PHYSM411 - Einsteinian Science for School Teachers I:  Atoms, Light, Space, and Climate
PHYSM412 - Einsteinian Science for School Teachers II: Gravity, Energy, and Quantum Mechanics
PHYSM413 - Einsteinian Science for School Teachers III: From Climate to Cosmology 
PHYSM414 - Einsteinian Science for School Teachers IV: Modern Science in the Real World 

What you'll learn

Explain the basic concepts of the modern concepts of space, time, gravity and radiation

Explain the quantum nature of matter and radiation at the appropriate school level

Teach key topics in modern physics using simple models and analogies

Explain the physical mechanisms which are fundamental to the Earth's climate and renewable energy technologies

Notebook and a workspace 

Why study this course?

  • Gain a broad understanding of the beautiful revelations of modern science
  • Learn to teach this understanding through a series of in-class activities designed to reveal Einsteinian concepts
  • Become equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to adopt Einsteinian physics lesson plans, or create your own lesson plans for your own classes.

Who should study this course?

This micro-credential is ideal for all primary school teachers and secondary school science and technology teachers and other educators.

Recommended prior knowledge:
A teaching qualification.  The course will frequently refer to Teaching Einsteinian Physics in Schools. While some excerpts will be provided, it is recommended that you purchase your own copy as a complete reference if you have the means to do so. You may like to get ahead by reading through some of the modules under the Resources tab at www.einsteinianphysics.com

How does it work?

This micro-credential will consist of online lectures, live tutorials, and training videos. The course will also incorporate fortnightly two-hour interactive online workshop sessions with demonstrators running through the activities live with active audience participation. This course will require a weekly commitment of 3-5 hours per week. All sessions will be recorded if you cannot attend live.

What's next after this course?

This 12 point micro-credential can contribute to future study credit for a Physics Major as part of a Bachelor of Science.

This unit will provide opportunities for school science teachers to upskill to higher level science teaching.