Financial Status

To be eligible to apply for scholarships from UWA based on financial need you need to prove that you are in financial hardship.

You can demonstrate that you are in financial need by:

  • providing your Centrelink Registration Number (CRN) when applying online; or
  • completing relevant financial statements form/s that show financial hardship.
  • Check the scholarship eligibility criteria to determine the specific requirements, if any, for showing you are in financial need.

Centrelink payments

To demonstrate financial hardship with proof of Centrelink payments, you must be receiving a Centrelink income support payment by the census date of the semester in which the scholarship award is made:

You will need to provide your Centrelink Registration Number (CRN) and authorise the Scholarships Office to access your details.

Financial Hardship

If you are not receiving a Centrelink payments, you will need to submit financial statement forms with your scholarship application along with a letter of ineligibility from Centrelink (Centrelink support can be applied for online- unsuccessful applicants will receive notice of the ineligibility for income support payments which is to be submitted with their application).

To demonstrate ongoing eligibility, these forms may also be used by current scholarship recipients whose Centrelink payments have ceased. You will also need to provide documentation detailing the cancellation of payment.

Include all information, as statements which lack detail may disadvantage the assessment of your application.