Senate Committees
The Senate has established the following Standing Committees to assist with meeting its responsibilities.
The Academic Board is the chief academic body in the University.
Investigates financial matters within the University, either within an audit program which it determines or as directed by the Senate, and monitors risk and compliance including matters relating to 'people and culture' at the University.
Advises the Senate on the Vice-Chancellor’s recruitment, performance and remuneration and the Vice-Chancellor on the University Executive. Coordinates planning, induction and professional development of the Senate and monitors UWA’s compliance with the Voluntary Code, education regulators and bodies.
Forrest Research Foundation Board of Governors
Constitution of the Forrest Research Foundation at The University of Western Australia.
Makes recommendations to the Senate on the award of honorary degrees and decisions on the award of Chancellor's medal.
Makes recommendations to the Senate on the University’s investment strategy and monitors the University’s investment portfolio.
Assists with the strategic development of the University’s relationship with alumni, best practice in university/alumni relations and University fundraising strategies and activities.
Makes recommendation to the Senate on ‘higher-level’ legislative and regulatory matters involving University Acts, statutes, regulations and by-laws.
Makes recommendations on the appointment of suitable candidates to the Senate and committees of the Senate.
Monitors the financial welfare of the University, and provides strategic oversight of people and culture at the University.
Other boards and committees
UWA has a number of committees and boards which act in an advisory capacity or oversee roles and functions.
- Vice-Chancellor Advisory Committees
- Australian Music Examinations Board (WA), Executive Committee of (incorporating the Advisory Committee)
- Cruthers Collection of Women's Art Advisory Committee
- Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery Advisory Board
- Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery Operations Committee
- Patrick Burselum and Mary Estelle Healy Medical Research Foundation Research Committee
- Professor Ronald M. And Dr Catherine H. Berndt Research Foundation Sub-Committee