Integrity and Standards
The Integrity and Standards Unit (ISU) works collaboratively to support our University community to demonstrate integrity, to meet expected standards of behaviour, and to respond to complaints/reports relating to University activity.

Conduct and Integrity
Here you can find out more about the standards of behaviour expected by students and staff, and the importance of these for our community.
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Reports and Complaints
UWA recognises and supports the rights, and in some cases the responsibility, of staff and students who may wish to make a complaint or lodge a report. Here you can find out how to tell us about your concerns.
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Complaint Resolution
There are many different ways in which to resolve a complaint. This can include facilitated discussions and more formal investigation process. Here you can find out more about the different approaches.
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About the ISU
Find out more about the ISU, its functions, and our expectations on those engaging with us.
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