Cruthers Collection of Women's Art Advisory Committee
Constitution of the Cruthers Collection of Women's Art Advisory Committee
Name of Committee
Cruthers Collection of Women’s Art Advisory Committee
1. Position
The committee is an advisory committee to the Vice-Chancellor.
2. Role statement
The role of the Committee is:
- to provide advice and recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor in relation to the functions given to the Committee by the Deed of Gift, for the purposes of administering all aspects of the CCWA, including:
- addition of new works of art;
- sale and loan of works of art;
- preparation of annual budget for maintenance of the CCWA collection;
- relationship with the Family;
- relationship with the Foundation.
- ensuring the Collection is administered in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Deed of Gift; and
- to deal with any other business as directed by the Vice-Chancellor.
3. Membership details
The Committee comprises:
- one member nominated by the Vice Chancellor, who will act as Chair;
- one member nominated by the Senate;
- one member nominated by the Foundation;
- the CCWA Curatorial Advisor, as defined in Schedule 1;
- the UWA employee who holds the office designated as the CCWA Curator.
3.1 Terms of Office
- The term of office of a member referred to in clause 4(a0, 4(b) and 4(c) is 3 years.
4. Quorum
- The quorum for a meeting of the Committee is four members.
5. Decisions
All questions that come before the Committee are decided by a majority of the members present and voting.
In the event that the Committee cannot achieve a majority, the Committee will advise the Vice-Chancellor, who shall make a final decision.
6. Frequency of meetings
The Committee normally meets 4 times each year but may meet more frequently when necessary.
7. Delegation
8.1 Decision making map
8.2 Communication map
Approving Body