Facilities management
Contractors and consultants
The University is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy environment for everyone at UWA, and that no-one is put at risk from our work activities.
Our expectations
All contractors and their employees involved in construction or maintenance on the University’s campuses or properties are expected to familiarise themselves with the information provided below.
- To gain access to our campuses and properties, all contractors, including sub-contractors and their workers must complete the online induction program prior to arriving onsite. The induction is valid for 12-months, after which re-induction is mandatory.
- Before you start working with us, ensure you meet UWA’s legal and safety requirements.
- The Permit to Work system must be followed by contractors prior to undertaking work at UWA.
- UWA is a smoke-free campus.
Contractor induction and registration

Online safety induction
An induction process is mandatory for contractors, sub-contractors and their employees who undertake work on UWA campuses.
Upon completion of the online safety induction the contractor will be issued with a UWA Contractors Safety Induction Card which must be carried on persons all times when working for the University.
If your company is not registered with the University’s induction system, email [email protected]
Consultant panel
The University has developed a consulting panel for the supply of works and professional services. Consultants on the panel are pre-qualified to quote for general estate works and building works.
The University’s approach is designed to encourage consultants to commit to long-term continuous improvement and to achieve outstanding performance in the delivery of building and construction related projects and service and maintenance works.
The panel provides increased exposure to business opportunities and the potential to develop longer-term relationships with UWA. The panel process also ensures continued compliance with applicable procurement standards.
Register your expression of interest if you wish to be notified of future request for tender for the UWA consulting panel.
Design and construction standards
The UWA Design and Construction Standards specifies the minimum requirements for the design and construction of UWA projects by architects, consultants, contractors and project managers. These standards must be referred to when designing and specifying any new facilities or refurbishing existing buildings at UWA.
These standards also provide facility managers, maintenance contractors and other service providers with an understanding of UWA services in order to assist in the maintenance and operation of facilities.
Relevant Legislation
The planning, design and construction of each UWA facility must fully comply with the current relevant legislation, including (but not limited to):
- Relevant Australian or Australian/New Zealand Standards (AS/NZS)
- National Construction Code (NCC)
- Occupation Safety and Health (OSH) legislation
- Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)
- Accessibility Aspiration Design Factors
- Local council and authority requirements
These standards are divided into the following service documents for ease of use, but must be considered in its entirety, regardless of specific discipline or responsibilities.
A Building and Architecture
A building and architecture June 2020 [PDF, 812.5KB]
Refer to this document for:
- General building planning (Architecture, Space, Heritage and conservation, Hazardous materials, Noise, security etc.)
- Room planning (Central teaching Facilities, Offices, Meeting Rooms, Toilets, Service Areas, Roof Access etc.)
- Building elements (Roofs, Gutters, Walls, Floors, Ceilings, Windows, Keying systems, Signage, Room numbering, Painting etc.)
- Furniture (Fixed, Reception, Tea Rooms)
B Mechanical Services
B Mechanical services 2020 [PDF, 3.0MB]
Refer to this document for:
- General requirement (Design, Testing, Chilled Water, Mechanical plant rooms, Pipework, Air filtration, Ventilation, Refrigeration, HVAC etc.)
- Specifications (Building Control Systems, Refrigeration Pipework, Cooling Towers, Coolers, Fume Cupboards, Ductwork)
- Networked Gas and Meter selection and installation (meters, IP gateways, installation requirements)
- Networked Thermal Energy selection and installation (meters, communication, ethernet gateways, installation requirements)
- Networked Water Meter selection and installation (meters, cabling, modules, labelling, commissioning)
C Electrical Services
C Electrical Services 2023 [PDF, 890.8KB]
Refer to this document for:
- General requirement (Design, Capacity, Redundancy, Metering, HV distribution, Back-up power, Power points, Switchboards, Switch rooms, Supply,
- Shutdowns, Wiring systems, Earthing, Lighting, Labelling etc.)
- Soft wiring system (Power boards, Extensions, System components)
- Networked electrical meter selection and installation (Meters, Ethernet Gateways, Installation requirements, Commissioning, testing, Chilled Water Mechanical plant rooms, Pipework, Air filtration, HVAC etc.)
D Communication Services
D Communication services 2020 [PDF, 1.1MB]
Refer to this document for:
- General requirement (Architecture, Cabling, Optical Fibre, Cable Tray, Design, Capacity, Redundancy, Metering, HV distribution, Back-up power, Switchboards, Wiring systems, Earthing, Lighting, Labelling etc.)
E Hydraulic Services
E Hydraulic services 2020 [PDF, 1.0MB]
Refer to this document for:
- General requirement (Fire Services inc. hydrants and hose reels, Mains water, Natural gas, Sewer, Waste water, Storm water, Plumbing fixtures, testing)
F Security ServicesF Security services 2023 [PDF, 787.6KB]
G Fire Services and Fire Safety Engineering
G Fire services and fire safety engineering 2020 [PDF, 862.7KB]
Refer to this document for:
- General requirement (Design requirements, Security system requirements, construction and installation, security zones, CCTV, Intercom services)
H Structural Works
H Structural works 2020 [PDF, 923.3KB]
Refer to this document for:
- General requirement (Design requirements, Performance requirements, Geotechnical scope)
I Civil Works
I Civil works 2020 [PDF, 718.9KB]
Refer to this document for:
- General requirement (Design requirements, Earthworks, Roadworks, Stormwater)
J Irrigation Services
J Irrigation services 2020 [PDF. 892.2KB]
Refer to this document for:
- General requirement (Water supply, Equipment, Site requirements Testing, Commissioning)
K Sustainability
K Sustainability 2023 [PDF,626.3KB]
Refer to this document for:
- General requirement (Design considerations, Construction management, indoor environment quality, Energy, emissions, Transport)
L Vertical Transport
L Vertical transport 2020 [PDF, 1.2MB]
Refer to this document for:
- General requirement (Lifts, Escalators, Functionality, Operation, Performance

Building and services documentations guidelines
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