Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery Advisory Board
Constitution of the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery Advisory Board.
Name of Committee
Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery Advisory Board (LWAGAB)
1. Position
The Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery Advisory Board (LWAGAB) is an advisory body to the Vice-Chancellor.
2. Role statement
The role of the LWAGAB is to -
- make recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor relating to acquisitions, donations and bequests associated with the UWA Art Collection; and
- provide strategic advice and oversight on planning and operations of the Gallery, including collections management, exhibitions planning and engagement programs.
3. Membership details
The Board comprises:
- the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) as Chair;
- the Associate Director, Education Strategy;
- the Curator (UWA Art Collection);
- the Registrar (UWA Collections);
- the Curator (Cruthers Collection of Women’s Art);
- One member from the Berndt Museum of Anthropology;
- Up to two members co-opted within the University for expertise, balance, and inclusivity; and
- Up to 3 members with relevant expertise co-opted from the public community.
3.1 Terms of Office
The term of office of co-opted members appointed under 3(g) and 3 (h) is two years and is renewable for a second term.
4. Quorum
The quorum is half the membership plus one.
5. Decisions
All questions which come before the Board are decided by a majority of the members present and voting.
6. Frequency of meetings
The Board normally meets four times a year (quarterly), but may meet more frequently if necessary.
Approving Body
Vice Chancellor
Date of Approval
28 September 2021