Selection criteria
Selection criteria represent the key qualifications, training, abilities, knowledge, personal attributes, skills and experience a person must have in order to do a job effectively. You must meet the selection criteria in order to be considered for a position.
If you are required to submit a separate response to all the selection criteria, you should ensure the key attributes for the advertised position are documented in your application.
Addressing the selection criteria
Before writing your statement addressing the selection criteria, consider these tips:
Review each criterion: Carefully read each criterion and highlight key phrases.
Brainstorm relevant experience: For each criterion, list your relevant knowledge, skills, training, and experience. Use the STAR approach to provide one or two specific examples:
- Situation – describe the context/scenario
- Task – what was your responsibility
- Action – what did you do
- Result – what was the outcome, focus on the key achievements
Experience metrics: Consider years of experience, number of staff supervised, amount of funding received, etc.
Success indicators: Mention feedback you received or changes you have implemented. For example:
- Reduced costs / time taken to perform tasks
- Procedures / processes streamlined
- Satisfied clients / colleagues
Additional information
You may like to detail achievements relative to opportunity and interruptions to your career path. These factors may include, but are not limited to, professional or non work related circumstances that have restricted or delayed your professional growth.
Examples include:
- Career interruptions related to parental leave, working in a different field or late entry to academia.
- Part-time or flexible working arrangements.
- Carer responsibilities for children, elderly parents, family members requiring special care.
- Ill health, disability or medical conditions whether temporary, episodic or permanent.