Bilya Marlee
A new home for Indigenous Studies
The significance behind the name
Design inspiration
The gardens are inspired by the Noongar six seasons with trees and plants selected to ensure year-round coverage and vibrancy.
Noongar six seasons
- Birak (December – January)
- Bunuru (February – March)
- Djeran (April – May)
- Makuru (June – July)
- Djilba (August – September)
- Kambarang (October – November)
Swan artwork
Danjoo Kaartdijiny (Learning Together) was created by Noongar artist Sharyn Egan.
This artwork embodies the strong symbol of the Black Swan watching over the nest. It symbolises the nurturing role of the School of Indigenous Studies for all students. The Swan’s wings expand in a protective embrace, providing a source of strength and belonging, a place to call home. The work incorporates connections to the Swan River and Whadjuk Nyoongar country, referencing the Bibbulmen Darling Range in the distance, and the creative spiritual presence of the Waagul below.
Handcrafted and stitched of natural sisal rope and thread, the artwork is a metaphor for the cultural threads woven through Aboriginal communities, connection to country and the continuum of past, present and future.
Marri court and deck area
Colours in the building
Building Access
Staff office hours are 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
If your building access is not working for any reason email [email protected] or contact Security Telephone (+61 8) 6488 3020
A short history of Indigenous Studies
This marked the beginning of a dynamic partnership between the University and the Aboriginal community. Western Australia’s oldest university, UWA, whilst steeped in western traditions of learning is also focused on the future and on national leadership in teaching and research. When it joined with the Aboriginal community to establish the Centre for Aboriginal Programmes, it invited Aboriginal people to patriciate in its traditions and its vision for the future. In return, The University of Western Australia has been enriched with an Aboriginal perspective.
In 2002, the Centre for Aboriginal Programmes became the School of Indigenous Studies. The School’s Aboriginal Orientation Course has been offered since 1988, providing an alternative pathway into tertiary studies. The School has been at the forefront of education initiatives in Australia from the introduction of the first Pre-Law Course in 1994, and in 2014, the Advanced Diploma in Indigenous Legal Studies as pathways into postgraduate law. The School course offered in Albany, the transformative undergraduate major in Indigenous Knowledge, History and Heritage and, in participation with UWA’s Faculty of Arts, the Indigenous Australian heritage specialization in the Masters of Heritage Studies.
The School of Indigenous Studies (SIS) provides a range of support services and recourses for Indigenous students on campus. Schools and community programmes to encourage Aboriginal people to undertake further study are also a very important part of the School of Indigenous Studies’ activities.