Regulations and rules
The University of Western Australia has regulations and rules in place to cover all staff and students while on campus.
Senate Regulations
Regulations covering proceedings of the Senate and Senate committees (including the Academic Board), and the election and appointment of Senate members, the Chancellor and the Pro-Chancellor.
Promulgation Note 9 April 2024: On 12 and 27 March Senate approved amendments to the Senate Regulations. The Regulations (as amended) can be accessed from the link below. Details of the amendments can be obtained from the University Secretary: email [email protected]
Senate Regulations [134 KB DOCX] |
Regulations for Student Conduct and Discipline
Regulations for Student Conduct and Discipline [818 KB PDF] |
Behaviour which the University regards as misconduct and procedures for dealing with cases of possible misconduct.
UWA Student Guild Regulations
Regulations covering the administration, operation and elections of the UWA Student Guild.
Promulgation Note 16 August 2024: On 29 July 2024 the Senate approved amendments to the Guild Regulations and to the Guild Election Regulations. Amendments improve the process of electing student representatives for the organisation including, but are not limited to;
- addressing feedback received on referendums; social media use and definition; and Independents campaigning as groups or gatherings of independents which essentially form a party;
- distinguishing between a ‘referendum’ and a ‘plebiscite’, refining the scope and content of both; and
- closing an election loophole to stop independent candidates forming unofficial parties under the term ‘independents’.
The Regulations (as amended) can be accessed through the above link.
Library Rules
Details of authorised users and conditions of use.
Reviews and Appeals
The University Policy on the Review and Appeal of Academic Decisions Relating to Students provides for students to request a review of an academic decision relating to them, and to appeal if they are dissatisfied with the outcomes of that review.
Student rules for courses
Student rules for Undergraduate Degree Course, Diploma, School, Higher Degrees by Research and Combined Courses.