Alcohol on campus
If you're planning an event at UWA that involves serving alcohol, you'll need to ensure you comply with the University's policies and obtain the necessary permits.
Obtaining a liquor permit
Understanding the regulations: Before applying for a permit, it is essential to familiarise yourself with the University’s Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy. This policy outlines all relevant regulations.
How to apply
Students and visitors: Make a request to Security by emailing: [email protected]
Staff: More information on applying for a liquor permit is available on the Staff Intranet
Submitting your application: Completed forms must be submitted to the Security Office:
- At least 7 days before your event/function for standard applications.
- At least 21 days in advance for events requiring an occasional license.
Additional information
For further details and regulations on liquor licensing, refer to the Office of Racing, Gaming and Liquor.