Chemical waste: off-site disposal

If you do not wish to wait for the University wide collection of unwanted and/or waste chemicals, you may organise for the disposal yourself through an external contractor.

How to arrange waste disposal

The recommended contractor is ERS Australia. If using ERS Australia, phone (+61 8) 9351 1370 to arrange a quote.

It is imperative that full details are provided to ERS Australia to get an accurate quote. Do not label or list a container simply as “phenol waste” for example, but rather as "approx 40% w/w phenol in water". Provide as much detail as possible and state the solvent in which solutions are made up, do not assume others will know what solvent/s have been used.

If it is aqueous state that; if not - specify the solvent/s used. Do not use chemical shorthand for substances, use full names and specify relative quantities in mixtures/solutions.

Labelling examples


HPLC waste

20% methanol, 30% acetonitrile, 50% water

Phenol waste

40% phenol in water

1% tris

1% trishydroxymethylaminomethane in water


Potassium Ferricyanide


20% acetonitrile 80% dichloromethane

Ru trisbipy Cl

tris(2,2-bipyridyl) ruthenium III chloride

For more complex solutions and commercial products/formulations, please provide a copy of the manufacturers MSDS, or if you can’t obtain it, as much detail as possible on the product. Note that some photographic chemical manufacturers have different MSDS for fresh and used products.

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