Diver assessment

This assessment is for academic staff, general staff, postgraduate students and honours students who are required to SCUBA dive for work. All participant divers on a UWA fieldtrip are required to complete this assessment. This includes research fieldtrips by post graduates. This assessment is mandatory no matter with whom/or where the diver intends to dive.

Visiting divers require the assessment unless a satisfactory reciprocity agreement is made with the visitors? organization. The acceptance of the reciprocity is at the discretion of the UWA Diving and Boating Safety Officer (DBSO). If no reciprocity is accepted a visiting diver may also be required to complete a dive assessment.

All participant divers on a UWA diving fieldtrip are required to have completed this assessment.

This assessment is not considered a training exercise but verification of stated competency in order to participate in diving activities.

Map for driver assessment


A diver will be assessed on their ability to effectively and safely demonstrate their diving competency and proficiency in the following:

A - in water skills is required:

  1. Entries and exit from small craft/beach
  2. Correct Buoyancy (weighting)
  3. Surface swim 25 metres alternating between snorkel and scuba
  4. Correct ascents and descents using BCD (check rates and techniques)
  5. Buoyancy control by fin pivot and by hovering motionless
  6. Regulator removal and recovery
  7. Mask clearing
  8. Scuba equipment removal and recovery
  9. Alternate air source use - octopus ring (2nd reg.)
  10. Simulated emergency swimming ascent (horizontal)
  11. Simulated surface rescue tow of conscious and simulated unconscious diver
  12. Effective hand signal/communication

B - Demonstrate accuracy of paper exercises:

  1. Dive conditions assessment
  2. Recording of dive data
  3. Dive planning including the application of the DCIEM tables

C - Demonstrate knowledge of:

  1. Where to find requirements for diving with UWA
  2. Risks associated with diving and appropriate control measures


  • Completion, submittal and approval of dive registration form
  • This requires DBSO to sight:
    • AS2299 occupational Dive Medical by doctor trained in dive medicine (SPUMS doctors preferred)
    • minimum qualifications: rescue diver
      • (except as a temporary trainee diver at DBSO discretion)
    • dive log minimum 15hrs outside any training
  • Creation of a UWA diver record

Requirements (what you need to bring)

  • New Diver Assessment Form
  • All your own dive equipment and personal safety equipment.
    • Regs. With Gauges, timing device compass etc., BCD, tank (air fill only) (must be new or, serviced with 12months)
    • Fins, mask, snorkel
    • Thermal protection (wetsuit , dry-suit , semi dry)
    • Weights
    • Knife
    • Safety sausage / SMB
  • Any DIVE equipment that would be used in normal fieldwork operations
    • Dive flag, Oxygen kit & cylinder etc. (to be discussed with DBSO)

Safety procedures at UWA

UWA Diving and Boating web page

(This page includes Fieldwork planning flow chart and application forms)

UWA Scientific Diving Procedures Manual

Further information


Peppermint Grove.

Map for driver assessment

Dates for 2024

These dates are subject to weather and crew availability. DBSO can be contacted if students have specific requirements.

  • July 24th
  • Sept 18th
  • Nov 20th

Number of places

Minimum 2 people to run.


Starry (Warren Starr), Health, Safety and Wellbeing.


No charge.


Click here to register.

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