Skin protection

Staff who work outside should protect themselves from the sun and insects.

Solar radiation

Employees who are required to work outdoors and are exposed to the sun's rays should:

  • attempt to schedule work in full sun to take place outside the hours of 10am to 3pm
  • use shade wherever possible
  • wear dark, loose and closely woven clothing (long sleeved, button up, collared shirt)
  • wear a 10 cm wide brimmed hat or hat with a neck flap
  • wear gloves
  • put on broad spectrum water resistant SPF30+ sunscreen at least 10-15 minutes before going out in the sun. Re-apply every two hours while outdoors
  • drink plenty of water
  • wear close fitting EPF10 rated sunglasses that meet AS 1067
  • check your skin regularly for changes.


Insect repellents

Employees who are required to work outdoors in areas where insect borne disease may be contracted (such as Ross River Virus) shall be provided with an adequate supply of insect repellent. Selection of inspect repellents must take account of:

  • form of the product suitable for environmental conditions
  • user acceptance of product (odour, consistency, colour)
  • existence of product literature on health effects (for example, allergic reactions, dermatitis, long term effects)
  • suitability and durability of packaging
  • adequacy and permanence of labelling

For regions where Ross River Virus is present, the Environmental Health Service of the Health Department of WA recommends covering up with loose clothing (mosquitoes bite through tight clothes) and the use of repellents containing between 5–20 per cent of N,N-diethyltoluamide (DEET).

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