Flying drones at UWA
Flying drones on UWA campuses
Drone use should only occur where there is a direct need or purpose relating to our campuses or buildings.
Drone operators must hold a Remote Pilots Licence (RePL) and operate under a CASA-issued Remote Operator’s Certificate (ReOC). The specific job must have a Job Safety Assessment (JSA) for the drone operation that has been approved by the UWA Chief Remote Pilot. UWA does not allow operations on campus under a CASA Operator's Accreditation.
Renders provided by Plus Architecture
UWA students
Students should not operate a drone on a UWA campus for research or non-research purposes unless the target of operations is the campus. Students needing to operate a drone on campus should consult their supervisor or unit coordinator and then the UWA Chief Remote Pilot.
UWA staff
Staff needing to operate a drone on campus (or their students need to) should consult the Staff Intranet for more information on how to apply for an approval to operate a drone on a UWA campus or property, or consult with the UWA Chief Remote Pilot.
Visit Staff Intranet
External individuals or companies
This includes contractors, media, those who have hired a UWA venue (including sports facilities), events companies and associated event photographers or videographers, or any external party wishing to operate drones on any UWA campus or property.
Please refer to the section below on how to submit an application to get approval to operate a drone on a UWA campus or property.
Application process
Submit an application for approval
Drone operation must have prior approval by UWA. Retrospective approvals cannot be provided.
To obtain approval, register on the UWA Rapid Global contractor management system.
Then email the following documentation to the UWA Chief Remote Pilot at [email protected] at least 10 business days before planned operations.
- Current CASA drone registration for the drone being operated, including details on the drone type and weight.
- Pilot’s RePL and Aviation Radio Operators Certificate (AROC) and confirmation the pilot has an aviation radio. UWA Crawley is in Class ”C” airspace and an aviation radio must be used (radio watch only) during drone operations.
- ReOC the operation is being conducted under.
- Public Liability Insurance certificate covering drone operations, with at least $20M of coverage.
- Job Safety Assessment (JSA) specific to the planned operation (e.g. from AvCRM). This must have been approved and signed by the Chief Remote Pilot of the organisation holding the ReOC for the planned operation.
- Any other relevant information such as communication from UWA facilities and/or campus management relating to the specific operations.
Approvals processThe UWA Drone Compliance Team and UWA Chief Remote Pilot will review the submitted documents. Drone operations can only occur after you have received an email confirming they are approved. UWA Security will be informed when drone operations are approved. Operations must comply with any other relevant UWA guidelines and follow instructions provided by a UWA Responsible Officer.
Frequently asked questions
Q: What type of drone operations would likely be approved on a UWA campus?
A: Only operations where there is a direct need to operate the drone will be approved. Examples include but are not limited to inspecting infrastructure on a building, photography or videography of a building or the campus for media-related purposes, surveying of the campus or buildings when specialist equipment needs to be installed on a UWA building.
Q: What precautions should be documented in the Job Safety Assessment (JSA) to demonstrate that the drone operation can be completed safely and legally?
A: Document how the operation will stay at least 30m away from people, including use of a spotter and not flyer over people, mitigate risks to other UWA property and infrastructure, proposed operational zones including safe take-off and landing areas, including alternatives.
Q: What type of drone operations are not appropriate on a UWA campus and will not be approved?
A: Operations will not be approved where there is not a direct need to operate the drone on a UWA campus, or activity that could be undertaken elsewhere (in a less populated area). Examples include but are not limited to flying a drone for recreational purposes, test-flying a drone, flying a drone during an event with many people where 30m separation cannot be maintained and the drone would fly over them.
Q: Can I fly a drone on a UWA campus, UWA Sports Park or at an event where I have hired a UWA venue?
A: No, you can only fly a drone where there is a direct need, you have submitted the required documentation, and this has been approved by UWA.
Q: I am a UWA student and need to test-fly a drone, where can I do this?
A: UWA has created a dedicated drone testing area that is not accessible to the public at the Shenton Park Research Station (SPRS). If you need to access the SPRS drone testing site for your research or study, consult your supervisor or unit coordinator, or directly contact the UWA Chief Remote Pilot. All test-flying operations must be approved by the UWA Chief Remote Pilot and notify the on-site SPRS Senior Technician by email prior to operations.