Enrol in my units
Using your study plan, set aside at least 15 minutes for enrolling in studentConnect. It is important you complete your enrolment into units as soon as possible, as it then allows for you to move onto the next steps in getting set up.
Hint: Find out more about 'Unit Sets'

Submit photo via CaptureME for campus card
All students are required to upload their photo via CaptureME. This headshot photo is printed on your campus card. Once you have uploaded your photo you will receive an email notification when your campus card is ready for collection.

Log in to the LMS
UWA’s Learning Management System (LMS) is where information about your currently enrolled units is shared.
Note: You are required to complete three online self-paced units (ACE, CARS and ISCE). These are not-for-credit units and do not count towards your semester study load. These become available from teaching week 1.
It is recommended that you complete them during teaching week 1-3 to gain the maximum benefit. It only takes around 1 hour to complete each unit. You must complete these units with your first semester. You can access these from your first week of classes via LMS.
You can also complete the Respectful Relationships online module via LMS.

Visit CAS
UWA's Class Allocation System (CAS) is where you enter your class time preferences and to receive your allocations to generate your timetable. Once you have enrolled, please wait 1 hour and then visit CAS to submit your preferences. Check the CAS website for important dates.