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Translation Studies Pathways

Master the art of language with a degree in Translation Studies and become a bilingual/multilingual professional, able to compete and thrive in an increasingly globalised job market.
5 Stars

How to Apply

Apply through TISC

  1. Log in to the TISC website
    If you’re a Year 12 student studying a WACE course at a WA high school or a pathway program, you are already automatically registered with TISC.
  2. Select your preferences
    You can choose up to six preferences when you apply through TISC. You should list your preferences in order from your most desired course onwards; this way you’ll have plenty of options to get into UWA.
  3. Lodging your application
    You’re almost there! After answering a few questions, you’ll need to make a declaration about your application.
  4. Application processing fee
    Your TISC application is lodged once you’ve completed the payment. For more information on fees and payments, visit the TISC website.

Contact Us

Contact us


Student Central

The University of Western Australia (M355), 35 Stirling Highway, Perth, Western Australia 6009


131 UWA (131 892)


(+61 8) 6488 1000


8.30am - 5pm AWST, Monday - Friday

Frequently asked questions

Pathway details

You can pursue a Master of Translation Studies at UWA via an Assured Pathway after completing a Bachelor of Arts (BA) with a relevant major. If you are not completing the Assured Pathway, you are not required to study the BA, however you must have a language as your second major. The course is available for English and Chinese, French, German or Italian (in both directions).

The Master of Translation Studies (12520) is accredited by the National Accreditation Authority of Translators and Interpreters (NAATI).

5 years to be a


Translator To become a translator you need to study a three-year bachelor's degree followed by a two-year master's degree TRANSLATOR = 2 MASTER’S 3+ BACHELOR’S
5 years to be a
Translation Studies

Pathways for mature-age students

If you will be aged 20 years or older on 1 March (for Semester 1 entry) or 1 August (for Semester 2 entry) you qualify for our mature-age-entry pathways.
Translation Studies
translation studies

Assured Pathways for high school leavers

Minimum ATAR
TISC Codes
  • UWTRA (Arts)
  • UWTRP (Philosophy [Honours] Assured Pathway)
  • BA + MTransSt
  • BPhil (Hons) + MTransSt
Limited places
  • No
Selection criteria
  • ATAR Only
Undergraduate major
Conditions for progress to Postgraduate Study

[1] This pathway is also available through the Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours). Students taking this pathway require an ATAR of 98.00.

[2] Bachelor of Philosophy students will take an additional year to complete this pathway.

translation studies
Translation Studies

Standard entry

You can enrol in translation studies by completing a bachelor's degree after high school. You’ll also need the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 65 per cent in the Level 3 units of a relevant major.
Translation Studies
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More about this course

This course fosters critical thinking and analytical skills through latest technologies and frontier translation theories such as corpus-based and localisation. There are opportunities for individual supervision of a translation research project, and the course includes a work placement component where students apply knowledge in industry environments.
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