Your student advising office is your one-stop shop for all your course-related queries. We can assist with:
- course advice and creating a study plan
- checking your enrolment
- advising on global and extra-curricular experiences
- directing you to student support services
- helping you with complex matters regarding special consideration, credit transfer, approved leave, academic progression, graduation eligibility and other requests
The Arts and Law Student Advising Office is located in the Social Sciences North Building (Old Economics Building) in the foyer entry off carpark 3.
Visit us during our office hours, Monday - Thursday 9.30am - 4.30pm, Friday 10am - 4.30pm, and closed Tuesday between 12- 1pm.
Closed weekends, public holidays and university shutdown period.
Phone us on +61 8 6488 3235
Email us via askUWA
Book an appointment with a Student Adviser
Featured opportunities
Legal internships
The LAWS5174 Legal Internship is a dedicated clinical program in the Juris Doctor (JD), offering the opportunity to gain academic credit by working in a legal environment one day a week over a semester, or intensively over summer. To apply, complete the Expression of Interest form. You'll be notified whether you have a placement by late June 2020.
Major in Criminology
Our new Criminology major offers you the chance to delve deep into the psychology of the criminal mind, get to grips with criminal law and apply criminological theory to contemporary challenges.

There are plenty of ways you can make your mark in an organisation while expanding your network, gaining academic credit and test-driving career paths. Check out your internship options.
Sam Lowther completed his McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship at Legal Aid WA helping develop resources to explain the Child Protection legal process to Aboriginal people who may speak English as a second or third language. Shortly after graduating from UWA with a postgraduate law degree, Sam accepted a role as Graduate Legal Officer at the Department of Communities.
"Through my placement at Legal Aid WA, I was involved in many projects and met many people working in the not-for-profit sector. It exposed me to areas of legal practice that I was unfamiliar with, which subsequently helped me to secure the position I am working in now."
Get involved
The UWA Law Students’ Society, the Blackstone Society, is the peak body representing law students at the University. In addition to advocating for law students, the group runs a range of social, careers education and wellness events, where you can get involved with competitions or volunteering opportunities and connect with legal firms.

Juris Doctor Direct Pathway
Have you completed your first year of undergraduate study and want to pursue a career in law? If you’ve completed 48 points and achieved a GPA of 6.0, you can apply to transfer into the Juris Doctor Direct Pathway. This means that once you’ve completed your bachelor’s degree with the required GPA, you’ll be eligible for a guaranteed place in the postgraduate JD. There will be no change to your current UWA course or enrolment, the Direct Pathway will simply be added to your record and viewable via studentConnect.
Find out more about the process, FAQs and deadlines or to apply, complete and submit the application form.
Juris Doctor students
Opportunities at University of Oxford
The UWA Law School and University of Oxford’s Faculty of Law offer the opportunity for you to apply for a Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) or a Master in Law and Finance (MLF) studying at Oxford in the United Kingdom. You’ll commence a year at Oxford in your final semester at UWA, and graduate with both the UWA Juris Doctor and a BCL or MLF from Oxford. The BCL and MLF are highly acclaimed graduate programs for the advanced study of law. Download the University of Oxford Faculty of Law’s ebrochure.
Apply for the BCL or MLF during the fourth semester (second semester of second year) of your JD. Applications are made to University of Oxford and are normally due in January for commencement in September. If you’re considering applying, consult Deputy Head of School (Students) Murray Wesson towards the end of your first year of JD studies. This enables you to plan your second- and third-year studies to ensure all requirements will be completed prior to the final semester of the JD.
Fees and scholarships
Visit University of Oxford Fees and Funding for information about your fees while living in Oxford. A number of scholarships are also available through the University of Oxford and UWA JD students may also be eligible for UWA scholarships for studying abroad.

Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition
The Jessup competition is the most prestigious mooting competition for law students worldwide.
Over a few months, you’ll prepare oral and written submissions addressing legal issues arising from a set of facts concerning public international law matters.
You can complete Jessup as a 12-point elective unit that spans the summer break, gaining valuable experience in a legal setting.
For more information, email Mooting Coordinator Dr Renae Barker.
Mentoring Program
The Blackstone Society’s Mentoring Program sees you paired with a professional from one of Australia’s leading law firms, government legal departments or management consulting firms to network with members of the profession, engage in charitable giving and open up conversations about the challenges facing legal practitioners. You can take part in the Women in Law Mentoring Scheme and the Blackstone Mentoring Network.

Dean's List
The Dean’s List recognises and celebrates the outstanding academic achievement of our Juris Doctor graduates.
It is an honour granted to the top-ranking students in a graduating cohort and is a testament to the hard work and dedication of these students.
All students who complete Advanced Legal Research (by invitation), as well as the students ranked within the top 15 per cent are recognised on the Dean's List.
Exchange conditions for JD students
Take up the opportunity to study overseas at one of our partner universities as part of your degree. Before planning your exchange, read up on the Law School’s conditions for JD students.
We strongly recommend law students do not go on exchange before completing:
- Legal Process
- Criminal Law
- Contracts
- Torts
- Property
- Equity
- Constitutional Law
- Equity and Trusts
Students who have not completed these foundation core units may not have sufficiently developed their generic legal skills or substantive understanding of core legal concepts to successfully complete upper-year option units while on exchange.
To be approved for a law exchange, students are normally expected to have a weighted average of at least 65 per cent in their law units, with no fail grades on their record.
Students who do not meet the minimum academic requirements or who wish to go on exchange before completing the recommended units should contact the Faculty Adviser, Penny Carruthers, for pre-approval prior to starting the application process.
Most students go on a law exchange for one full-load semester (24 UWA points), although it is possible to go on exchange for a maximum of a full year (48 UWA points).
Students are not permitted to overload while on exchange.
Students going on exchange, particularly for a full-year, are responsible for assessing the impact of completing 48 points of their law degree in another jurisdiction on employment opportunities and eligibility for the law honours program.
Units studied on law exchange cannot be used to satisfy the core unit requirements of the UWA law degree. All core units must be completed at UWA Law School. Only units offered as part of an exchange partner’s JD or equivalent program can be credited towards the UWA law degree. The only exception is that students enrolled in the four-year undergraduate law degree are permitted to credit one non-law unit (6 points) towards their law degree and with permission these points can be earned on exchange. This exception does not apply to combined degree or graduate law students. A student on law exchange may enrol only in units which have been approved for credit to the UWA law degree.
Unit approval is given during the exchange application process. If a student wishes to enrol in units other than those approved during the application process, approval must be sought prior to the start of the exchange semesters. Students may study units with a different or similar substantive focus to units offered at UWA Law School. When a unit has a similar focus but the legal framework is different, students may choose to study the unit on exchange and also at the UWA Law School and receive credit for both units. However, if a unit deals with similar common law or statutory content, students will not receive credit for studying the unit on exchange as well as at UWA Law School, and this will be noted in the unit approval process.
Group B requirements
Some exchange units will be taken as satisfying the UWA law degree Group B requirements. If the unit is so classified, the Faculty Advisor will indicate this during the unit approval process.
Students must enrol in a full-time load at the exchange university, equivalent to 24 UWA credit points. Students who require less than 24 UWA points to graduate should contact the Global Learning Office for approval. GLO will advise students of the full-load requirements at the various universities with which the university has exchange agreements. Students should note that a full-load at an exchange university will not necessarily be four units. Students should also be aware that the full-load requirements for some exchange partners have changed recently; that is, the load undertaken by previous exchange students at a particular university will not necessarily be an accurate guide of the current load requirements for that university.
Students completing a full-time load at the exchange university are credited with 24 UWA points per semester of study. Students may receive a maximum of 48 points in credits towards their UWA law degree on exchange.
Course pathway
Students must think carefully about how going on exchange will affect their course. Students should seek advice to plan their pathway for exchange. To accommodate a period on exchange, the order in which core units are taken can be rearranged, provided students conform to course rules and meet all necessary pre- and co-requisites (as specified in the Handbook). Students planning an exchange should plan a course pathway for the remainder of their studies including the exchange period. Students who would like assistance planning their course pathway, or who wish to have their plan reviewed, can speak with their Student Advising Office.
Honours program
The grades received on exchange are not counted for the purposes of invitations into the honours program or for the purposes of calculating honours classifications or degrees with distinction. Prospective honours students should consult their Student Advising Office for advice on the implication of going on exchange. Prospective honours students considering an exchange should be aware that the honours program requires enrolment in Supervised Research 2, which is a 12-point unit normally completed concurrently over semesters 1 and 2 of the final full year of studies.
Academic record
Units taken on exchange are recorded on your UWA academic record as ungraded passes or ungraded fails. A formal note will appear at the bottom of the academic record detailing the units studied and the grade and/or percentage marks received.
UWA enrolment
Once all is in place, you will need to add the approved exchange units to your UWA enrolment.
More information for JD students
Master’s option units
To broaden your options, you can take one unit from a selection of master’s units. Complete an application and submit to the Arts and Law Student Office.
Emergency Fund
To ensure everyone has the best possible chance of success, the Law School offers an emergency one-off financial grant to those in need.
Importance of academic conduct
Academic dishonesty or misconduct may have to be reported to the authorities responsible for admission to the legal profession and will be taken into account in deciding whether a person is suitable for admission as a legal practitioner.