Support for Students Policy Framework
Our commitment to you
UWA is committed to supporting your success through proactive and timely support. The services you have access to are underpinned by policies and procedures that foster your academic, personal and professional development to enable you to succeed in your studies.
UWA Policies
While we partner with you in this commitment, it’s important you take proactive steps to seek out the supports that will help you. We expect you to know your rights and responsibilities via our policies, and actively engage with all aspects of your degree – from learning in class and online, assessments, and co-curricular activities. Our Support for Students Policy outlines the support options available to help you complete your studies, and the processes we have in place to ensure you are aware of these supports.
Support for Students Policy Support for Students Procedures Policies relating to students
UWA also has a range of policies that relate to your rights and responsibilities as a student, plus a comprehensive policy library covering all areas of the University. Note that each policy you click on will automatically download.
Support services
You have access to a wide range of support services at UWA to help you succeed, from academic and accessibility, to mental health and wellbeing support.
Explore support servicesSupport for Indigenous students
Ways we support your success
Suitability to undertake studies
We assess your suitability to undertake a unit of study, including if we are concerned about you being able to successfully complete your units of study. This can be through cohort monitoring, early intervention, a probation or trial period of study, or an academic referring you.
Relevant policies
Academic Progress Policy (2025); Cohort Monitoring Policy; Fitness to Study Policy
Overcoming barriers to study
If we are worried that you are not engaging with your studies or are at risk of not successfully completing your units, we ensure additional support is available to assist you to overcome issues or barriers you may be facing.
To help you stay on track, we check to see if you have previously failed to successfully complete a unit of study in your course of studies, and if you are engaging through attending classes or accessing online content. We use this information to determine if you might be at risk of not successfully completing units, so we can proactively reach out and connect you with support services, particularly prior to census date.
Relevant policies
Academic Progress Policy (2025); Cohort Monitoring Policy; Fitness to Study Policy
Access to a range of support services
You have access to a range of support services, including academic support and non-academic support.
The staff in our support services are skilled professionals with appropriate training to ensure information and supports are age and culturally appropriate. We have specialist teams and roles to support First Nations students, as well as students with disability, students who have experienced family and domestic violence, students who have experienced sexual harassment or sexual assault, and students who have experienced traumatic events. Explore some of these services below.
Academic support includes: UWA’s Academic Skills Centre, Studiosity, LinkedIn Learning, UniMentor, Coursera, UWA Guild Student Assist, Student equity, School of Indigenous Studies, UWA Library resources, UWA Library help and support, Academic Conduct Essentials (ACE), Communication and Research Skills (CARS), Indigenous Studies Essentials (ISE), Special Consideration
Non-academic support includes: Accessibility support, UWA Heath and Medical Services, Support for sexual harassment and sexual assault, The Living Room, International Student Support, Support for international students under 18, Wellbeing workshops, Careers and Employability, UWA Sport, Financial support, Security, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Spirituality and faith, UniMentor.
Relevant policies
Disability and Medical Conditions Policy; Special Consideration Policy; Fitness to Study Policy
Prevention and Resolution of Bullying on Campus Policy; Sexual Misconduct Policy; Disability and Medical Conditions Policy; Transgender Policy; Web Accessibility Policy; Lecture Capture Policy; Chaplaincy Services Policy, Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy; Mental Health Policy; International Students under 18 Policy
Request access to support before census date
We work hard to provide you access to support services before census date, should you request support for a unit you’re studying. We ensure timely access of these supports by monitoring wait times and appointment availability, plus have on the day appointment and drop-in sessions through UWA’s Academic Skills Centre, UWA Library and The Living Room.
Relevant policies
Disability and Medical Conditions Policy; Special Consideration Policy; Fitness to Study Policy
Recommendation of additional support
We will recommend additional support if we recognise that you might need targeted individual literacy, numeracy, and other academic supports. It is important to reach out to services if you feel this would be helpful to you. You can reach out to your Unit Coordinator or visit staff at Student Central.
Relevant policies
Non-academic issues that may affect your studies
If you tell us about non-academic issues that put you at risk of not successfully completing your units of study, we will work with you to provide you with the most suitable outcome, e.g. academic adjustment.
Relevant policies
Disability and Medical Conditions Policy; Special Consideration Policy
Support from academic staff
Academic staff in your units are available to help – they will be in regular contact with you during the semester to check on your progress. If they identify support is needed or you tell them you need help, they can connect you with services and explore appropriate flexibility options for assessments. Refer to Unit Coordinator guidelines and Academic referral – documents are being developed.
Relevant policies
Disability and Medical Conditions Policy; Special Consideration Policy; Academic Progress Policy (2025)
Crisis or critical incident
We will respond and provide support in response to a crisis or critical harm incident.
Relevant policies
Serious Student Incident Policy; Serious Student Incident Procedure
Continuous improvement
We faithfully and fairly implement these policies and supports. We are establishing continuous improvement and annual review processes to identifies errors, outliers, and opportunities for improvement, and allow for escalation of concerns. We are monitoring the availability and uptake of supports to identify resource needs and adjust our approach to meet demand.
UWA Privacy
The Support for Student Policy requires the University to identify students at risk of not successfully completing their units of study. This means student data is collected and monitored to support some students. For more information, refer to the student privacy collection notice.
The University of Western Australia strongly respects the privacy of students, staff and other members of the University community as per the Information Privacy Policy and Information Privacy Guidelines.