Support for Students Policy Framework

Our commitment to you

UWA is committed to supporting your success through proactive and timely support. The services you have access to are underpinned by policies and procedures that foster your academic, personal and professional development to enable you to succeed in your studies.

UWA Policies

While we partner with you in this commitment, it’s important you take proactive steps to seek out the supports that will help you. We expect you to know your rights and responsibilities via our policies, and actively engage with all aspects of your degree – from learning in class and online, assessments, and co-curricular activities. Our Support for Students Policy outlines the support options available to help you complete your studies, and the processes we have in place to ensure you are aware of these supports.

Support for Students Policy  Support for Students Procedures Policies relating to students

UWA also has a range of policies that relate to your rights and responsibilities as a student, plus a comprehensive policy library covering all areas of the University. Note that each policy you click on will automatically download.

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Support services

You have access to a wide range of support services at UWA to help you succeed, from academic and accessibility, to mental health and wellbeing support.

Explore support services
Support for Indigenous students

Ways we support your success

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Continuous improvement

We faithfully and fairly implement these policies and supports. We are establishing continuous improvement and annual review processes to identifies errors, outliers, and opportunities for improvement, and allow for escalation of concerns. We are monitoring the availability and uptake of supports to identify resource needs and adjust our approach to meet demand.

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UWA Privacy

The Support for Student Policy requires the University to identify students at risk of not successfully completing their units of study. This means student data is collected and monitored to support some students. For more information, refer to the student privacy collection notice.

The University of Western Australia strongly respects the privacy of students, staff and other members of the University community as per the Information Privacy Policy and Information Privacy Guidelines. 

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