Health and Biomedical Sciences

Your allocated student office is your one-stop shop for all your course-related queries. We can assist with:

  • course advice and creating a study plan
  • checking your enrolment
  • advising on global and extra-curricular experiences
  • directing you to student support services
  • helping you with complex matters regarding special consideration, credit transfer, approved leave, academic progression, graduation eligibility and other requests

The Health and Science Student Advising Office is located in the Agriculture Central building at the Perth campus.

Visit us during our office hours, Monday - Thursday 9.00am - 4.30pm, Friday 10am - 4.30pm, and closed  Tuesday between 12- 1pm.
Closed weekends, public holidays and university shutdown period. 

Phone us on +61 8 6488 3235 

Email us via askUWA

Featured opportunity

Population Health Seasonal School

Undertake a one-week intensive, out-of-semester unit to gain course credit or for your professional development. Units include Food and Nutrition in Population Health, Clinical Epidemiology and more.

Get involved

Discover a number of student-run faculty societies through UWA's Student Guild.

These clubs and societies represent and support members across the various disciplines of health and medical sciences.

Join up to enjoy a range of social, sporting, volunteer and academic functions throughout the year.

Some of the clubs and societies include:

View clubs

Important dates

For important dates regarding Doctor of Dental Medicine, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, Doctor of Podiatric Surgery, Doctor of Optometry and Master of Pharmacy, please visit this page

Information for Doctor of Medicine students

Professional behaviour policy

Personal and professional development is one of the main themes of a health professions degree at UWA. The School of Health and Medical Sciences Professional Procedures have been developed to facilitate a consistent and equitable approach to the recording, monitoring and evaluation of misconduct in the area of professionalism and professional behaviour of all students enrolled in coursework programs of study offered by the Faculty.

While the Professional Procedures do not include students undertaking undergraduate majors and research degrees, it is recognised that all UWA students are governed by related policies at the University level. It is intended that the School Policy on Professional Behaviour for Students be read in conjunction with the UWA Regulations for student conduct and discipline and UWA Policy on Academic Conduct. The Professional Procedures can be found in the Schedule of the University Policy on Courses - Experiential Learning.

MD professional behaviour assessment procedure

All MD units have professional behaviour outcomes and assessment components. Identifying concerning or unsatisfactory behaviours is essential for ensuring MD students can receive appropriate support to enable them to graduate with the high standard of professional behaviours essential for doctors.

Progress Rules – Doctor of Medicine

The Progress Rules sit supplementary to the Doctor of Medicine course rules. They govern what constitutes satisfactory progress in the course and what rules are applied in cases of unsatisfactory progress.

Medical student involvement in patient care

This protocol has been developed by the Medical School to ensure appropriate consent is obtained for medical student involvement with patient care and focusses on medical student-patient examinations, as the legal implications of performing an examination without consent are significant.

Scholarly activity in the MD

Scholarly activity is a distinctive feature of the UWA Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree.

It allows students to explore the development and application of scholarship in a strikingly diverse range of contexts, broadly grouped into three streams:

  • Service
  • Research
  • Coursework

Students choose their preferred stream, which becomes the focus of their scholarly activity undertaken in years three (Semesters 1 and 2) and four (Semester 1) of the program.


Students who select service learning will be matched with a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation for years three and four of the program. Students will work on relevant project identified by the host organisation.

Research, Audit and Systematic Review

Students who choose research as their scholarly activity will be matched with a research supervisor and project for years three and four of the program. Ideally the student will have prior research training or work in a group with a research-experienced MD student.  Note that for students planning on a PhD in the future, a solo research project is recommended. For less-experienced students, a clinical audit or systematic review could provide entry into improving clinical knowledge and practice.


Students who choose coursework are now able to complete units towards a further approved degree in Public Health, Health Professions Education or the Master of Aboriginal Health. Students can choose units that will contribute 18 points towards a master's qualifications as a core part of their degree. Students who choose coursework will undertake approved units for years three and four of the program.

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