Review and Appeal Academic Decisions
For most academic decisions, other than progress status, the University expects students to discuss any concerns regarding the decision with the original decision-maker. UWA students can review and appeal an assessment outcome, a final grade or mark, progress status and certain other academic decisions.
To better understand the process and prepare for a review or an appeal, please register one of the following webinars:
- Friday 21 February 12.30-1.15pm: Register now
- Tuesday 25 February 10.30-11.15am: Register now
Assessment Outcome (RAO)
- Students may only review an assessment outcome if it has a weighting of 20% or more or is a failed component.
- Students may request a review of an assessment outcome on one of the following two grounds:
1. Irregularity in marking standard, OR
2. Errors of marking process in determining the outcome of an assessment. - The below circumstances are not grounds for a review and should not be used:
1. Existence of a margin between a mark received and a mark that would result in a higher final grade in the unit.
2. Disagreement by the students with the academic judgement of assessors.
What do I need?
Students must state under which ground they are requesting a review of their assessment outcome and provide evidence of informal steps taken to resolve the matter with the original decision-maker.
Provide evidence against the ground upon which the review is based. It is the responsibility of the student to not simply repeat the informal process but to clearly demonstrate to the reviewer the basis of their application.
(Students can seek advice from their Student Advising Office / Student Guild in preparing their review).
Submission and Outcome of Review of Assessment Outcome.
Students must submit their review via the Public Report within 10 University working days from the day after the official release of the assessment outcome. If your review does not meet this timeframe, it may be automatically dismissed.
The University will endeavour to respond with notification of progress of review within 10 University working days.
Grounds for an Appeal
Students may appeal the outcome of their review for an assessment outcome under one of the following two grounds: 1. Review process has been procedurally irregular of unfair OR 2. Availability of new information that could not have been provided at the review stage and in all likelihood would have affected the review outcome.
Students must submit their appeal via the link provided in the review outcome letter within 10 University working days from the day after the review outcome.
Appeal Process
The Chair of the Appeals Committee may decide to dismiss the appeal. If this is the outcome students will be informed of the dismissal within 10 University working days of this decision.
If the appeal is to progress to a hearing, the Appeals Committee will schedule this within 25 University working days from this decision. The student will be notified of the outcome of the hearing within 10 University working days from the date after the hearing.
Final Grade/ Mark for a Unit (RFG)
- There is one ground upon which students may review their final mark or grade:
1. Procedural errors in the determination of the grade or mark. - A review of final mark or grade cannot include a review of an individual assessment outcome for an individual piece of work that has contributed to the final mark or grade for the unit.
What do I need?
Students should provide evidence of steps taken to resolve the concern informally with the decision-maker.
Students should provide evidence against the ground for their review. It is the responsibility of the student to not simply repeat the informal process but to clearly demonstrate to the reviewer the basis of their application.
Students can seek advice from their Student Advising Office and/or UWA Student Guild in preparing their review.
Submission and Outcome of Review of Final Mark or Grade
Students must submit their review via the Public Report within 10 University working days from the day after the official release of the Final Mark/Grade. If your review does not meet this timeframe, it may be automatically dismissed.
The University will endeavour to respond with notification of progress of review within 10 University working days.
Grounds for an Appeal
Students may appeal the outcome of their review for an final grade or mark under one of the following two grounds: 1. Review process has been procedurally irregular of unfair OR 2. Availability of new information that could not have been provided at the review stage and in all likelihood would have affected the review outcome.
Students must submit their appeal via the link provided in the review outcome letter within 10 University working days from the day after the review outcome.
Appeal Process
The Chair of the Appeals Committee may decide to dismiss the appeal. If this is the outcome students will be informed of the dismissal within 10 University working days of this decision.
If the appeal is to progress to a hearing, the Appeals Committee will schedule this within 25 University working days from this decision. The student will be notified of the outcome of the hearing within 10 University working days from the date after the hearing.
Progress Status (RPS)
- All students will receive an email explaining changes in their progress status. Students should make an appointment with their Student Advising Office to discuss their options and complete the UWA intervention program which can be found here.
- All students (except those in courses administered by the Graduate Research School*) may request a review of their progress status.
- Students may request a review of their progress status on one of the following grounds:
1. Progress status has not been assigned in accordance with the rules for the course, OR
2. Mitigating circumstances relating to the students’ unsatisfactory academic progress have not been adequately taken into account. - The student should be able to identify the reason(s) for unsatisfactory progress. Reasons may include, but are not limited to: illness; emotional, financial, housing, family or relationship issues; language difficulties; or an unforeseen event. Reasons must be consistent with the progress of the student.
- Students may provide independent evidence of the above criteria in their review, while not compulsory your review will benefit from documentation.
- Students should familiarise themselves with their individual course rules which can be found here.
*Graduate Research School students can view policies relating to their course here.
What do I need?
Students must state under which ground they are requesting a review of their progress status.
Students should be able to demonstrate that the identified issues affecting academic progress has/ have been resolved or the student has taken or is the process of taking effective measures to address the reasons.
Students should be able to demonstrate to the reviewer that they are committed to completing their students and re-enrolment would not risk failure.
Students can seek advice from their Student Advising Office and/or UWA Student Guild in preparing their review.
Submission and Outcome of Review of Progress Status
Students must submit their review via the Public Report within 10 University working days from the day after the official release of Progress Status.
The University will endeavour to respond with notification of progress of review within 10 University working days after receipt of the request for a review.
Grounds for an Appeal
Students may appeal the decision of their review of progress status under one of the following three grounds:
1. Review process has been procedurally irregular or unfair, OR
2. Availability of new information that could have not been provided at review stage which in all likelihood would have affected the review outcome, OR
3. A penalty has been applied as a consequence of an academic decision that is excessive, harsh or inappropriate.Students must submit their appeal via the link provided in the review outcome letter within 10 University working days from the day after the review outcome.
Appeal Process
The Chair of the Appeals Committee may decide to dismiss the appeal. If this is the outcome students will be informed of the dismissal within 10 University working days of this decision.
If the appeal is to progress to a hearing, the Appeals Committee will schedule this within 25 University working days from this decision. The student will be notified of the outcome of the hearing within 10 University working days from the date after the hearing.
Academic Decision (RAD)
Students should first speak with their Student Advising Office before lodging a review for advice.
Students may request a review of an academic decision on one of the following two grounds:
1. Original decision has not been made in accordance with relevant University Statute, regulation, rule or policy, OR
2. Original decision was not fair or reasonable.
What do I need?
Examples of academic decisions that can be reviewed; declined special consideration/declined approved leave/declined advance standing. Examples of academic decisions that cannot be reviewed; ineligible special consideration/rule waivers/special approvals.
Students should have an official outcome before they consider applying for a review.
Grounds for an Appeal
Students may appeal the decision of their review of an academic decision under one of the following three grounds 1. Review process has been procedurally irregular or unfair OR 2. Availability of new information that could have not been provided at review stage which in all likelihood would have affected the review outcome OR 3. A penalty has been applied as a consequence of an academic decision that is excessive, harsh or inappropriate.
Students must submit their appeal via the link provided in the review outcome letter within 10 University working days from the day after the review outcome.
Appeal Process
The Chair of the Appeals Committee may decide to dismiss the appeal. If this is the outcome students will be informed of the dismissal within 10 University working days of this decision.
If the appeal is to progress to a hearing, the Appeals Committee will schedule this within 25 University working days from this decision. The student will be notified of the outcome of the hearing within 10 University working days from the date after the hearing.
The policy for Reviews and Appeal of Academic Decisions relating to students in Coursework Courses and Schedule A can be found below:
- Schedule A [DOCX 25 KB]