Western Australian Rhodes Scholars

Full list of Western Australian Rhodes Scholars

( *indicates awarded Australian Rhodes Scholarship)

Year Name School University
2025 Jason Lu Christ Church Grammar School UWA
2024 Caleb McKenna Warwick Senior High School UWA
2023  Riley Faulds Christian Brothers College, Fremantle UWA
2022 Jesse Samuel Schelfhout
La Salle College
2021 Max Anderson Loake
Hale School
2020 Natasha Lutz Denmark High School UWA
2019 Calum Braham Trinity College UWA
2018 Robert Ferritto Hale School Curtin University
2017 Richard O' Halloran Christ Church Grammar School UWA
2017 Malindi Haggett Presbyterian Ladies' College UWA
2016 Ilona Quahe* Shenton College UWA
2016 Andrés Noé Christ Church Grammar School UWA
2015 Amy Steinepreis St Mary's Anglican Girls' School UWA
2014 Freya Shearer Perth College UWA
2013 Katharine Noonan* St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls UWA
2013 David Sherwood Bunbury Senior High School UWA
2012 Vinay Menon* Applecross Senior High School UWA
2012 Rachel Paterson Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School UWA
2011 Jackie McArthur Shenton College UWA
2010 Jessica Panegyres* Lesmurdie Senior High School UWA
2010 Dustin Stuart Wesley College UWA
2009 John McAnearney Aquinas College UWA
2008 Daniel Vujcich La Salle College UWA
2007 Travers McLeod Corpus Christi College UWA
2006 Scott Draper* St Mark's Anglican Community School UWA
2006 Andrew Lodder Hale School UWA
2005 David Knezevic Christ Church Grammar School UWA
2004 Stuart Munro All Saints' College UWA
2003 Adam Easton* Christ Church Grammar School UNSW (University College)
2003 Ben Gauntlett John XXIII College UWA
2002 Angus Turner Guildford Grammar School UWA
2001 Aron Chakera Churchlands Senior High School UWA
2000 Katherine Luxford Santa Maria College UWA
1999 Craig Wood Rossmoyne Senior High School UWA
1998 James Edelman Scotch College UWA
1997 Andew Fry Eastern Goldfields Senior High School UWA
1996 Byron Byrne Esperance Senior High School UWA
1995 Tanya Aplin Mercedes College Murdoch University
1994 Matthew Crockett Wesley College Curtin University (School of Mines, Kalgoorlie)
1993 Glenn Leighton Christ Church Grammar School Chiba University, Japan; Bond University, Qld
1992 Glen Power Christian Brothers' College, Fremantle Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Murdoch University
1991 Timothy Davidson Christ Church Grammar School UWA
1990 Marina Barbour St Mary's Anglican Girls' School UWA
1989 Alexander Sardo-lnfirri Lycee des Glieres, France UWA
1988 Ian Reid Rossmoyne Senior High School UWA
1987 William Jack Aquinas College UWA
1986 Bronte Adams Newman College UWA
1985 Grant Donaldson Rossmoyne Senior High School UWA
1984 Elizabeth Hollingworth Geelong Grammar School UWA
1983 Michael Rennie Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School UWA
1982 Guy Coughlan Trinity College UWA
1981 Anthony Phillimore Christ Church Grammar School UWA
1980 Fiona Pixley St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls UWA
1979 Adam Ashforth*   UWA
1979 Wendy Carlin Presbyterian Ladies' College Murdoch University
1978 Timothy Davis Hale School UWA
1977 Carol Jay Tuart Hill Senior High School UWA
1976 David Bean Scotch College UWA
1975 Michael Fitzpatrick Churchlands Senior High School UWA
1974 Roderick Eddington Christ Church Grammar School UWA
1973 Kim Beazley Hollywood Senior High School UWA
1972 Geoffrey Gallop Geraldton Senior High School UWA
1971 Graeme Robertson Applecross Senior High School UWA
1970 Peter Hollingsworth Christ Church Grammar School UWA
1969 Timothy Blain Guildford Grammar School UWA
1968 David Durack Scotch College UWA
1967 Peter Edwards Christ Church Grammar School UWA
1966 David Newby Scotch College UWA
1965 Daryl Williams Perth Modern School UWA
1964 Bruce Bennett Hale School UWA
1963 Malcolm Treadgold Hale School UWA
1962 Brian De Garis Perth Modern School UWA
1961 Neil De Marchi Katanning Senior High School UWA
1960 David Malcolm Guildford Grammar School UWA
1959 Jeremy Ellis Northam Senior High School UWA
1958 Maurice Cullity Aquinas College UWA
1957 Michael McCall Hale School UWA
1956 Edward Maslen Christian Brothers' College, Geraldton UWA
1955 Geoffrey Kennedy Scotch College UWA
1954 Bernard Lochtenberg St Louis School UWA
1953 Bob Hawke Perth Modern School UWA
1952 John Hall Perth Modern School UWA
1951 John Stone Perth Modern School UWA
1950 Stanley Rosier Hale School UWA
1949 Peter Durack Aquinas College UWA
1948 Leonard Frearson Northam Senior High School UWA
1947 John Clarke Hale School UWA
1946 Geoffrey Rossiter Wesley College UWA
1946 Albert Arcus Guildford Grammar School UWA
1941 Colin Clarke Hale School UWA
1940 Gordon Hill Scotch College UWA
1939 Edmund Jarvis Perth Modern School UWA
1938 Harry Anderson Perth Modern School UWA
1937 Edward Barr Perth Modern School UWA
1936 Geoffrey Hillman Guildford Grammar School UWA
1935 Roger Rossiter Wesley College UWA
1934 Henry Hopkins Guildford Grammar School UWA
1933 Arthur Finn Perth Modern School UWA
1932 Jospeh Starke (formerly Staricoff) Perth Modern School; UWA
1931 John La Nauze Perth Modern School UWA
1930 John Loutit Guildford Grammar School UWA
1929 Victor Brown Eastern Goldfields High School UWA
1928 Alfred Smith Perth Modern School UWA
1927 Keith Cooper Perth Modern School UWA
1926 Karl Allen Perth Modern School UWA
1925 Arthur Christian   UWA
1924 Frank Johnson Guildford Grammar School UWA
1923 Cyril Murphy   UWA
1922 Walter Worboys Scotch College UWA
1921 Vernon Murphy   UWA
1920 Donald Sinclair Guildford Grammar School UWA
1919 Keith Burton Guildford Grammar School UWA
1918 Hubert Stables Guildford Grammar School UWA
1917 William Parks Guildford Grammar School UWA
1916 William Caldwell Scotch College UWA
1915 Harold Whiteman Guildford Grammar School; UWA
1914 Douglas Gawler Scotch College UWA
1913 Alaric Boor Christian Brothers' College UWA
1912 Frank Riley Perth High School  
1911 John Savage Christian Brothers' College  
1910 Karl Drake-Brockman Guildford Grammar School  
1909 Thomas Davy Hale School  
1908 John Horan Christian Brothers' College  
1907 Alexander Turnbull Perth High School  
1906 Alexander Juett Christian Brothers' College  
1905 Prescott Harper Guildford Grammar School  
1904 James Walker Perth High School  

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