Fees and payments

Find out about the tuition, administrative and amenities fees and how to pay while at UWA, or visit our pages on HELP loans, Refunds and remissions, and the Student Services and Amenities Fee.

Tuition fees

The amount you pay for each unit (your tuition fee) depends on your course, enrolment and citizenship. Tuition fees are reviewed every year around November and are subject to increases, as outlined in your UWA Acceptance Contract. Tuition fees are due to be paid at the start of each semester.

Calculating your fees

Whether you're a domestic or international student, you can access and view your tuition fees for current and previous years by using the University's Fees Calculator. The calculator includes fees for a range of courses, a browse function and definitions for commonly used phrases.

Calculate my fees

Understanding your fees

Am I a domestic or international student?

Your citizenship status affects the tuition fees you pay. If your citizenship status has changed or it seems wrong in studentConnect, contact us via askUWA to update it and provide the appropriate documentation. Changes to residency take effect from the date you submit them to us, so it’s best to get any changes in before the Census date to ensure you’re charged the correct rate for that semester. International students who gain permanent residency or citizenship after the Census date will not become eligible for domestic fee rates until the following semester.

You’re a domestic student if you are:

  • an Australian citizen or New Zealand citizen
  • a dual citizen of Australia and another country
  • a holder of an Australian permanent residency visa
  • a holder of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa

You’re an international student if you are:

  • a temporary resident (visa status) of Australia
  • a permanent resident (visa status) of New Zealand
  • a resident or citizen of another country

What type of place do I have?

  • Commonwealth supported place (CSP)

    All domestic undergraduate places are Commonwealth-supported. UWA offers a limited number of postgraduate Commonwealth-supported places based on meeting eligibility and criteria requirements. CSP students may be eligible to defer their tuition fees through HECS-HELP.

  • Full fee paying place (FFP)

    All international students and some postgraduate domestic courses are offered as full fee-paying places, which means the Australian government is not subsidising the cost of your education. Domestic full fee-paying students may be eligible to defer all or part of their tuition fees through the FEE-HELP loan scheme.

  • Research Training Program (RTP)

    Citizens and permanent residents of Australia and citizens of New Zealand enrolled in a postgraduate degree by research who have received a Research Training Program place are exempt from paying tuition fees toward the cost of their research course. A limited number of RTP places may be offered to international students.

  • Exchange and Study Abroad students

    Incoming Study Abroad students, or their sponsors, are offered full fee-paying places and pay tuition fees directly to UWA. Exchange students enrolled through a formal agreement pay their fees to their home university.

  • Cross-institutional students

    Incoming cross-institutional students (those completing their degree at another university) who undertake units at UWA are charged tuition fees by UWA on the basis of the course that the units are normally taught in. Fees for UWA students undertaking cross-institutional studies externally are determined by and paid to their host institution.

  • Non-award or AccessUWA

    AccessUWA students are enrolled on a non-award basis and must pay fees upfront. HECS-HELP/FEE-HELP is not available.


Commonwealth Assistance Notices (CANs) are a statement of your enrolment and contain information regarding your contribution payments made, and any HECS-, FEE-, SA-, or OS-HELP loans you have. If you’re a domestic Commonwealth-supported student, you can find your CAN in studentConnect under the Finance section after the census date.

Your CAN will include information on:

  • your CHESSN
  • the units of study for which you have received Commonwealth assistance
  • the student contribution amounts you’ve been charged for the units you are enrolled in
  • any upfront payments you have made
  • any HECS-HELP assistance you have used for that semester study period, if you are using HECS-HELP to pay your student contributions
  • any OS-HELP loans you have accessed for that study period

If you’ve applied for FEE-HELP, your eCAN will include information on:

  • the tuition fees for your units of study
  • the units for which you have received FEE-HELP
  • any upfront payments you have made
  • any FEE-HELP loan fee incurred for undergraduate units of study
  • any OS-HELP loans you have accessed for that study period

If you believe there are any errors, contact the Fees team via askUWA as soon as possible.

Invoices and payments

As a student, you’re required to pay your fees by the due date listed on your Statement of Account to avoid your enrolment being cancelled. Payments will always be credited to the oldest debt listed on your account first.

Invoices (Statement of Account)

Your electronic Statement of Account (eSoA) is a tax invoice including the details of your tuition fees and payment due dates for the relevant study period. Find your statements at studentConnect.

Your Statement will show:

  • due dates
  • census dates
  • enrolled units
  • fees payable
  • biller reference details
  • payment options

Each semester you’ll have at least two eSoAs – one for tuition fees and one for the Student Services and Amenities Fee. If you’re enrolled in a non-standard teaching period, you’ll also have an eSoA for each period. Check the Fee Calendar dropdown list on the Statement of Account page carefully to view all your enrolled teaching periods.

Understanding your Statement of Account

These PDF examples show you how to read your eSoA.

I’ve paid my fees, why does my statement still show that I owe fees?

Your Statement of Account is your invoice for a particular fee period. When you make a payment, the statement doesn’t change. Think of it like receiving an electricity bill, the bill itself won’t change. You can view all the payments you’ve made under the Received Payments tab in studentConnect, and view any outstanding balance too.

What happens if I change my enrolment?

A revised Statement of Account will be issued to you via studentConnect if you change your enrolment after the date of issue of the initial statement and it results in a new fee liability. If there is no change to your fee liability, a new electronic Statement of Account (eSOA) will not be issued.

  • Online through studentConnect

    Log in to studentConnect and pay by MasterCard, Visa or Convera (foreign credit card or bank transfers) through the secure University Student Fee Payment Portal by viewing your individual Statement of Account or outstanding balance.

  • Australia Post

    Present your Statement of Account intact at any Australia Post agency to pay by cash, EFTPOS, personal or bank cheque, or money order (drawn upon an Australian bank in Australian dollars). Make cheques and money orders payable to 'Australia Post'.

  • POST Billpay

    Pay by POST Billpay, MasterCard or Visa by phone on 13 18 16 (or from overseas on +61 13 18 16). Quote the Billpay code and reference number from your Statement of Account.

  • Cheque or savings account

    Use BPAY or phone banking from your cheque or savings account. You will need to quote the biller code and reference number from your Statement of Account.

Allocate a partial payment

Within studentConnect you can allocate part of your student payment towards your student contribution/course fees for the current teaching period, allowing the remainder to be available for other costs such as your Student Services and Amenities Fee.

For example, if you made payments totalling $599 for your second semester and you intended for $500 to be a part-payment towards your course fees and for $99 to be full payment for your SSAF, you can use this function in studentConnect to notify us. If you enter a partial payment allocation request, be sure to enter the dollar amount that is relevant to you. It will take about three to five working days for this payment to be adjusted once you have submitted your request.

  1. Go to the Finance section > Received Payments > Request Payment Allocation
  2. Enter the payment details and specify $500 to be allocated towards your student contribution/course fees
  3. The remaining $99 will be available to pay your SSAF


Processing of all payments can take three to five working days. Once received, you can view and print your payment receipts from studentConnect.

  1. Click on Received Payments under the Finance section
  2. Select the PDF icon in the Payment Receipt column
  3. View your Outstanding Balance to confirm you do not owe any further money

Late payments and cancellations

A late fee of $60 will be incurred for tuition payments received after the due date and an encumbrance will also be added to your account until the full payment and late fee is received.

The encumbrance will prevent you from:

  • viewing unit results
  • re-enrolling
  • receiving official documents
  • receiving a new Confirmation of Enrolment 
  • graduating

If your tuition fees remain unpaid three weeks after the due date for the teaching period, your enrolment may be cancelled.

For international students this could result in the cancellation of your Confirmation of Enrolment which may seriously affect your visa.

I’m having trouble paying my fees

UWA and the Student Guild offer financial assistance to students experiencing financial hardship for non-tuition fee expenses such as rent and textbooks. International students who are experiencing significant short-term financial hardship can make an appointment with UWA’s International Student Adviser. It is a condition of your student visa that you have sufficient funds to pay all university fees, so if you need to discuss your situation you should get in touch as soon as possible. You may also be eligible to apply for a short extension of time to pay your fees. Visit Financial support for more information and the application form.

Other costs

Studying at university brings about other costs aside from your tuition fees. These could include field trip expenses, textbooks, study materials, formal academic documents, and general living expenses. For a list of fees and charges as part of your studies at UWA, visit Incidental student fees and charges.

It’s also important to be aware of services fees, fines or penalties, and external costs during your studies. Service fees are charges that apply to specific goods or services supplied by UWA. These are only payable if you use the goods or services they relate to:

  • car parking permits
  • additional guest tickets for graduation
  • academic documents
  • field trips
  • printing and photocopying
  • calculators

Fines and penalties to be aware of include library book late fines, late enrolment fees, late payment fees or replacing your campus card.

Also be aware of your external costs not charged by UWA, such as your accommodation, public transport, health and medical services, gas and electricity bills, and groceries.

The Australian Government provides guidance on the annual cost of living to assist international students with their budgeting.

Living costs and expenses for a single student is estimated at $21,041 per year, not including your tuition fees.

For more information, visit Study in Australia. 

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