Student Services and Amenities Fee
The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) is a compulsory fee charged each semester/trimester to all enrolled students.
Funds from the SSAF go towards enhancing the student experience and improving both the in-person and online services available to you. See the SSAF summary on the right or the drop down options below for more information.
SSAF income cannot be used to support political parties or associated activities.
SSAF Summary
Full year 2024 budget.
25% Student support and engagement
Careers and employability advisors and programs (eg. Careers and Employability Award), transition / orientation support (eg. UWA Connect, UniMentor), wellbeing and training (eg. Peer Educator, Mental Health First Aid, Step Up Bystander).
25% UWA Sport
Health and fitness, UWA affiliate sport clubs, student competitive sport, High Performance Program, student development, sports events.
50% UWA Student Guild
Student services and support (eg. financial, administrative, IT), student representation and engagement, Student Assist, sub-councils and Guild Departments, Volunteer Centre, student clubs and societies, food and drink, student training, Guild Bookshop, orientation and O-Day.
2025 SSAF Competitive Grant – Applications now OPEN!
- Are you a current student with a bright idea for a one-off event or activity to help increase belonging across the UWA Student community?
- Are you affiliated with or a representative of a student organisation or other University associated organisation?
- Apply now for a Student Services Amenities Fee Grant and be awarded up to $2500 to bring your event to life!
Applications open from 31st Jan 2025 to 31st March 2025.
Apply hereFor additional information, contact Bhav Gohil, Student Matters Advisor. Student Life
Student support and engagement
UWA Sport
UWA Student Guild
Review how 2023 SSAF revenue [PDF 455KB] was allocated and spent.
How much is it?
The maximum SAAF rate is reviewed and set by the Commonwealth Government annually and confirmed around October for the following year. The UWA Senate approves the annual rate each year for full-time students at the Perth campus (calculated based on your enrolled study load).
The below table shows the 2025 annual charge for different groups of students (instalment amounts may vary slightly due to rounding). You will receive electronic Statements of Account via studentConnect to pay the fee in instalments either per semester or trimester depending on your course. SSAF does not attract GST.
Semester-based studies
Home campus Period Full-time and internal* Part-time and / or external^ Crawley (includes Claremont, Nedlands and QEII) Annual charge $365 $273.75 1st instalment $182.5 $136.87 2nd instalment $182.5 $136.87 Albany and other non-Crawley campuses Annual charge $182.5 $182.5 1st instalment $91.25 $91.25 2nd instalment $91.25 $91.25 *Taking at least one unit in an in-person mode
^Taking all units in an online mode
Trimester-based studies
Home campus Period Full-time and internal* Part-time and / or external^ Crawley (includes Claremont, Nedlands and QEII) Annual charge $365 $273.75 1st instalment $121.65 $91.25 2nd instalment $121.65 $91.25 3rd instalment $121.65 $91.25 *Taking at least one unit in an in-person mode
^Taking all units in an online mode
Medical students ('clinical years')
Year/course Period All Fourth, fifth and sixth year Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery,
Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Clinical Dentistry,
Second year Doctor of Dental Medicine,
Third year Doctor of Podiatric MedicineAnnual charge $182.5 1st instalment $91.25 2nd instalment $91.25 -
Research degree students associated with the below schools and centres, or overseas
School/Centre Period All UWA Dental School,
UWA Medical School,
School of Allied Health,
School of Population and Global Health,
Centre for Ophthalmology and Visual Science,
Research students undertaking candidature overseasAnnual charge $182.50 1st instalment $91.25 2nd instalment $91.25
When do I need to pay it?
SSAF is invoiced in instalments to help spread the cost over the year, and to reflect your enrolment load in different study periods. You will receive an electronic Statement of Account (eSOA) for the first instalment in January for Trimester 1 and February for Semester 1. The eSOA for the second and third instalments of Trimester 2 and 3 will be issued in April and July. The second instalment for Semester 2 will be issued in late July. UWA College students will be assessed by Trimester and will be receiving their eSOA in February, June and August. A reminder email notification will be issued if payments are outstanding after the due date on the invoice. Details of how to pay are included on the eSOA.
Payment due dates
Semester 1 (FE-XS1): 1 June
Semester 2 (FE-XS2): 1 November
Trimester 1 (FE-XT1): 1 April
Trimester 2 (FE-XT2): 1 July
Trimester 3 (FE-XT3): 1 November
UWA College Trimester 1 (FE-XC1): 1 May
UWA College Trimester 1 (FE-XC2): 1 September
UWA College Trimester 1 (FE-XC3): 1 December
Are there any exemptions to paying SSAF?
All students enrolled at UWA, including cross-institutional students, UWA College students and UWA staff enrolled as students, pay SSAF. The only exemptions are for students undertaking programs run by the Centre for English Language Teaching, Aboriginal Orientation Course and Smart Start students, Access UWA students, UWA Plus micro-credential students, and students studying at UWA under a formal exchange agreement who pay fees to their home institution.
Can I delay paying my SSAF or use the SA-HELP loan scheme?
Eligible students can defer partial or full payment of their SSAF by utilising the SA-HELP loan scheme. Australian permanent residents, New Zealand citizens, international students and cross-institutional students are not eligible for SA-HELP and cannot defer payment. If your SSAF isn’t paid on time, an encumbrance will be added to your account.
The encumbrance will prevent you from:
- viewing unit results
- re-enrolling
- receiving official documents
- receiving a new Confirmation of Enrolment
- graduating
Further HELP loan information is available for students at the Study Assist website.
Can I get a refund of my SSAF?
If you withdraw from your studies or reduce your enrolment prior to the relevant semester/trimester census date such that your SSAF liability is reduced, you may be eligible for a full or partial refund. There is no requirement for you to apply for a refund; allowable refunds are issued automatically.
The University is not permitted to remit SA-HELP debts under the Higher Education Support Act 2003. If you withdraw from units after the relevant census date and are successful in receiving a tuition fee remission, you remain liable for any SA-HELP debt incurred, and may remain liable for any upfront SSAF payments made to UWA.
Payment options
Online through studentConnect
Log in to studentConnect and pay by MasterCard, Visa or Convera (foreign credit card or bank transfers) through the secure University Student Fee Payment Portal by viewing your individual Statement of Account or outstanding balance.
Australia Post
Present your Statement of Account intact at any Australia Post agency to pay by cash, EFTPOS, personal or bank cheque, or money order (drawn upon an Australian bank in Australian dollars). Make cheques and money orders payable to 'Australia Post'.
POST Billpay
Pay by POST Billpay, MasterCard or Visa by phone on 13 18 16 (or from overseas on +61 13 18 16). Quote the Billpay code and reference number from your Statement of Account.
Cheque or savings account
Use BPAY or phone banking from your cheque or savings account. You will need to quote the biller code and reference number from your Statement of Account.
How is use of SSAF determined?
Direction for the use of SSAF revenue is provided by the UWA SSAF Advisory Committee, within the bounds of the Department of Education, Skills and Employment guidelines. Review the Terms of Reference for the Committee.
For more information on how to get involved in the consultation process regarding how SSAF is spent, head to the Guild webpage or provide sport specific feedback here.