Careers and Employability
Kickstart your career and enhance your employability
Take advantage of all the opportunities UWA offers to get the most out of your degree and build your employability skills.

Careers vs Employability
You’ll likely come across the following terms throughout your degree, but what do they mean and how can you apply them to your own experience?

UniHub your one-stop Careers shop
Find employment and volunteering opportunities; sign up for career-building events and workshops; access an extensive range of tools and resources; or book an appointment to chat one-on-one with a Career Adviser.
Your journey
We can support you no matter which stage of your degree you’re at.
Careers and Employability Award
Gain practical, real world experiences, skills and knowledge to embark on an enriching future career journey. You’ll undertake a range of online modules, career development and extra-curricular opportunities and, finally, a self-reflection activity that will help you build a personalised Career Toolkit to enhance your employability.