Contact us


Looking to get in touch with us? You can find important contact details below. For all online enquiries, submit a query via askUWA.

Student Central

Our team is here to help. Get advice on enrolling, fees, scholarships, exams, overseas study, graduating and more.

  • Phone: +61 8 6488 3235
  • Email: askUWA, or for course enquiries, email your Student Advising Office (details below)
  • Opening hours: Monday - Thursday 9.30am to 4.30pm, Friday 10am to 4.30pm, and closed Tuesday between 12pm and 1pm
  • Location 

Student Advising Offices 

Your one-stop-shop for all course-related questions.


Report any security concerns or get help in an emergency.

Health and Wellbeing

Visit our Medical Centre, Counselling and Psychology Services, or Student Wellbeing on the First Floor, Student Central Building (South Wing) for accessibility and academic support.

Other areas


Careers Centre

Global Learning Office

International Student Support

UWA College

Library and IT support

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