UWA Scholarships

K. W. Hatfield Q.C. Memorial Scholarship in Law


After Ken Hatfield's death on 11 January 1969, Mr P. L. Sharp Q.C. proposed a Memorial Fund be set up to be used within the Faculty of Law at the University. All those approached welcomed the scheme but it seemed to some that the fund should not be restricted to a set group of donors or a set sum of money. More than any other man, Ken had friends in many walks of life, rich and poor, who mourned his loss and might wish to see his name perpetuated and honoured in a form which would reach students of the profession he loved and served so well and in which he set so high an example. Today, the Hatfield Memorial Fund is used to fund the K. W. Hatfield Q.C. Memorial Scholarship in Law. This scholarship has been established to encourage and assist a student who is experiencing financial hardship to complete their studies towards the Juris Doctor at the University.

  • Status Open
  • Applications open 16/12/2024
  • Applications close 14/03/2025
  • Value $5,000.00
  • Number offered 1



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