Dr Brian Shaw, Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Earth and Environment, has donated funds to The University of Western Australia (`the University?) to provide a scholarship to assist an eligible student to undertake required fieldwork overseas.
- Status Open
- Applications open 03/02/2025
- Applications close 03/03/2025
- Value $750.00
- Number offered 1
To be eligible to apply for a scholarship, an applicant must—
(a) be a domestic student;1
(b) experiencing financial hardship;2
(c) have completed at least 48 points towards a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Environmental Design majoring in—
(i) Geographical Sciences;
(ii) Applied Human Geography; or
(iii) Environmental Geography and Planning;
(d) be intending to enrol in an elective or core unit that requires international travel for fieldwork
1 An Australian citizen or permanent resident or holder of a Permanent Humanitarian Visa or a New Zealand citizen.
2 Financial hardship may be demonstrated by an applicant being in receipt of a means-tested Commonwealth income support payment (such as Youth Allowance, Austudy, Abstudy, etc.) or by submitting a statement of financial hardship.
See http://www.scholarships.uwa.edu.au/students/undergrad/financial
3 Exceptional circumstances include, but are not limited to, a medical condition or major family commitments.
Dr Brian Shaw, Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Earth and Environment, has donated funds to The University of Western Australia (‘the University’) to provide a scholarship to assist an eligible student to undertake required fieldwork overseas.