Irish Leaving Certificate

The Leaving Certificate is the school-leaving certificate in the Republic of Ireland.

The University of Western Australia welcomes applications from students who have completed the Irish Leaving Certificate (Established) (Scrúdú Cruthaithe na hArdteistiméireachta). To be admitted to the University, you must

  • satisfy the University's English language competence requirement by satisfactory performance in one of the English subjects detailed in the table below;
  • achieve a sufficient number of points to be offered a place
  • satisfy any prerequisite subject requirements for your chosen course and major

Minimum entry scores

Irish Leaving Certificate students must meet equivalent entry standards to other applicants. The following table provides an overview of the points considered equivalent to various Australian Tertiary Admission Ranks.

Aggregate ATAR Equivalent
330 to 339 76
340 to 349 80
350 to 359 85
360 to 369 88
370 to 379 90
380 to 389 92
410 to 419 96
430 to 439 98
450 to 459 99


  1. The Leaving Certificate must be issued by the Irish State Examinations Commission (Coimisiún na Scrúduithe Stáit).
  2. Must include at least five subjects passed at Higher Level.
  3. Irish Leaving Certificate results are recorded as letter grades, based on H1=100, H2=88, H3=77, H4=66, H5=56, H6=46, H7=37, H8=0.
  4. The aggregate is calculated from points of the best five subjects only.

Equivalent subjects

The following table shows Irish Leaving Certificate subject equivalents to WA Certificate of Education courses, which will satisfy course and major prerequisites.

WCE Subject Irish Leaving Certificate Equivalent
English English Language - Higher; C2 or higher
Mathematics Applications No equivalent
Mathematics Methods Mathematics - Higher; C2 or higher
Mathematics Specialist No equivalent
Chemistry Chemistry - Higher; C2 or higher
Physics Physics - Higher; C2 or higher
Biology No equivalent