Graduate Certificate in Communicable Diseases Epidemiology
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Career Pathways
Career opportunities
- Research officer
- Health project/program manager
- Policy analyst
- Health researcher
- Health promotion officer
Further Study
This graduate certificate can serve as an entry pathway to a master’s degree. Units completed in the graduate certificate can be credited towards the Master of Public Health.
Fees and scholarships
Learn more about the fees that apply to you for this course.
Domestic Student Fees
There is no current fee information available for this course. Please visit the fee calculator to browse course fees from a previous year, or other courses.
Scholarships are available to students from a diverse range of backgrounds, including academic achievement, financial need, educational disadvantage, leadership and community service, artistic or sporting achievements, and being from a rural or remote area.
Cost of living
Admission requirements
If you’re interested in furthering your career by studying this postgraduate course, find out the admission details below
Admission Requirements
Ranking and Selection Process
English competency
English is the language of instruction and assessment at UWA and you will need to meet the English language requirements of the University to be eligible for a place.
Minimum overall IELTS score of 6.5, with no band less than 6.0.
How to apply
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Find out how to apply through our simple online application process.
We'll guide you through our entry requirements, admission pathways available to you and application deadlines for your chosen course.
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Course details
This course is subsidised for Australian residents through Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP). Visit our fee calculator for CSP rates and an estimate on your course fees.
About the course
Quick details
- Available
- Perth (Crawley campus)
- Full-time
- Part-time
- Online
- Semester 1, 2021
- Postgraduate
- 92220
- This course is not available to international student visa holders
Course structure
Postgraduate coursework degrees and combined (coursework and research) degrees comprise a number of units. Refer to the course structure for more information.
Top 3 reasons to study this course
- Learn how methods are used in contemporary public health practice and applied in population-based infectious diseases.
- Make connections within UWA's School of Population and Global Health, a leading research, teaching and service organisation whose work influences health policies and practices.
- Gain greater understanding of the theory and principles of control of infectious diseases in evolving scenarios.
Study options in Public Health
We offer a range of courses enabling you to tailor your studies to meet your personal or professional interests and advance your career.
How does it work?
Course structure
What you'll learn
- Describe and evaluate health and disease in population groups.
- Analyse, interpret and present health and medical data.
- Describe and apply principles of communicable diseases.
- Outline the health impact from environmental disturbances both regionally and globally.