Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between a micro-credential and a short course at UWA Plus?

At UWA Plus, micro-credentials and short courses are both short courses designed for upskilling and professional development. Successfully completing a UWA Plus course showcases mastery of specific skills, knowledge and/or experience in a given subject area or capability. Designed to meet students’ flexibility requirements, these courses focus on skills that are in high demand by employers and industry, and provide the opportunity for you to update, upskill or reskill in specific areas.

A short course:

  • can be any length from 2 hours to 100 hours
  • may be assessed or non-assessed
  • earns a Certificate
  • does not earn PD Points

A micro-credential:

  • is usually 25-150 hours in length
  • is assessed
  • earns a Certificate of Achievement
  • earns PD Points that are stackable and convertible to academic credit when commecning an award course at UWA



Will what I learn in a micro-credential or short course be relevant to my job?

Yes, UWA Plus courses focus on skills that are in high demand by employers and are endorsed by industry. Your employer may even consider covering the fee for the micro-credential or short course as part of your professional development. Your employer may have a discount arrangement with UWA, so check with your employer.

Do I need any previous knowledge of the topic?

Many UWA Plus micro-credentials and short courses do not require significant previous knowledge, but check the specific course listing for any recommended prior knowledge or study.

Do I have to come to campus?

UWA Plus micro-credentials and short courses may be delivered fully online, on-campus in face-to-face classes, or by a combination of both. Check the specific micro-credential or short course listing for details.

How much do micro-credentials and short courses cost?

Micro-credential and short course fees are included with each specific course listing. Fees are stated in Australian dollars and are operated on an individual-funded or organisation-funded basis. They are not government subsidised (unless specified otherwise) and include a GST component.

How do I enrol in a UWA Plus course?

To enrol in a course you first need to create an account in the UWA Plus portal, and log in.

From your dashboard, locate your desired course, and click on Register to add it to your basket. Go to Checkout, check the details are correct and click on Make Payment to go to the secure payment gateway to pay via credit/debit card. When you have successfully completed payment, you will receive email confirmation that you have successfully enrolled and the course will appear in your dashboard.

How do I pay for a course?

To pay for a course you first need to create an account in the UWA Plus portal, and log in.

From your dashboard, locate your desired course, and click on Register to add it to your basket. Go to Checkout, check the details are correct and click on Make Payment to go to the secure payment gateway to pay via credit/debit card. When you have successfully completed payment, you will receive email confirmation that you have successfully enrolled and the course will appear in your dashboard.

Can you register for more than one micro-credential or short course at any one time?

Yes, you may enrol in more than one micro-credential or short course at the same time.

How do I get my certificate?

Your Certificate will be available to download from the Learning Path module in the dashboard.

Please note - your Certificate will not be available to download until your ID has been verified (using the Submit my ID link). 

Will I attend a graduation ceremony to receive my certificate?

No, micro-credentials and short courses are not included in UWA graduation ceremonies.

Is there any government support for micro-credential and short course fees?

No, micro-credential and short course fees are not government subsidised and are not eligible for the Higher Education Loan Program. UWA Plus courses are fully individual-funded or organisation-funded professional development short courses.

If I register for a micro-credential or short course, how much time will I have to change my mind?
  • Withdrawals will only be refunded up to two weeks prior to commencement of the UWA+ course.
  • Please choose carefully, as we do not offer a refund if you change your mind or find yourself unable to attend after this time period.
Will I get a refund if the University cancels the UWA+ course?

If the University is not able to offer an advertised micro-credential or short course after you have enrolled in it and paid for it, you will have the choice of transferring to an acceptable equivalent course or receiving a refund.

If I have enrolled but can’t participate in the micro-credential or short course, can I get a refund?
  • Withdrawals will be refunded up to two weeks prior to commencement of the course.
  • Please choose carefully, as we do not offer a refund if you change your mind or find yourself unable to attend after this time period.
  • If you are unable to complete the micro-credential or short course in exceptional circumstances (including severe ill-health or on compassionate grounds), you can apply to withdraw with a refund with relevant documentation. The application must be made prior to having received a certificate.
  • Application to withdraw with a refund must be made in writing by emailing [email protected].
  • Any additional fees incurred during the process of completing the payment (e.g. credit card surcharge, bank fee, merchant fee, etc.) will not be refunded.
I live outside Australia, am I eligible to enrol in a micro-credential or short course?

Yes, all micro-credentials and short courses are delivered in Australia, but if the course is fully online, you may enrol and complete the micro-credential or short course from anywhere.

Can I study micro-credentials or short courses under my international student visa?

Yes, but in accordance with Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) regulations.

I am on a visitor’s visa, but am really interested in upskilling. Am I eligible to enrol in a micro-credential or short course?

Yes, subject to the terms of your visa.

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

Get in touch with the UWA Plus team by emailing us at [email protected].