
Exams are an important part of your studies at university, and we want to help make this time as stress-free as possible.

Browse important dates below and find information about alternative arrangements and deferred/supplementary exams.

Find out all you need to know about before and during your exams, including assessment types, exam rules, and support for preparing for your exams.

Note: centrally administered exams are not scheduled on University or public holidays.

Important dates


Semester 1 - 2024

Main Exam Round
Timetable Release Date:  18 April 2024
Exam Period: 1 June - 15 June 2024
Results Release Date:  5 July 2024

Supplementary and Deferred Round
Deferred Timetable Release Date: 27 June 2024
Supplementary Timetable Release Date: 9 July 2024
Exam Period: 15 July - 19 July 2024
Results Release Date:  26 July 2024

Semester 2 - 2024

Main Exam Round
Timetable Release Date: 12 September 2024
Exam Period: 26 October - 9 November 2024
Results Release Date: 26 November 2024

Supplementary and Deferred Round
Timetable Release Date: 16 December 2024
Exam Period: 3 - 7 February 2025
Results Release Date: 20 February 2025

Summer - 2024

Main Exam Round
Timetable Release Date: 16 December 2024
Exam Period: 3-7 February 2025
Results Release Date: To be advised
Supplementary and Deferred Round Exam Date:  To be advised


Trimester 1

Main Exam Round
Timetable Release Date: 8 March 2024
Exam Period: 13 - 20 April 2024
Results Release Date: 30 April 2024

Supplementary and Deferred Round
Timetable Release Date: 29 April 2024
Exam Period: 13 – 14 May 2024
Results Release Date: 28 May 2024

Trimester 2

Main Exam Round
Timetable Release Date: 14 June 2024
Exam Period: 20 - 27 July 2024
Results Release Date: 6 August 2024

Supplementary and Deferred Round
Timetable Release Date: 5 August 2024
Exam Period: 19-20 August 2024
Results Release Date: 3 September 2024

Trimester 3

Main Exam Round
Timetable Release Date: 27 September 2024
Exam Period: 2 - 8 November 2024
Results Release Date: 26 November 2024

Supplementary and Deferred Round
Timetable Release Date: 16 December 2024
Exam Period: 3-4 February 2025
Results Release Date: 18 February 2025

Medicine, Dentistry and Podiatry


Medicine Year 1 (supplementary/deferred) See Medical School 9 - 11 January 2023 See Medical School
Medicine Year 3 (supplementary/deferred) See Medical School 15 December 2023 See Medical School
Medicine Year 4 (supplementary/deferred) See Medical School 6 - 10 November 2023 See Medical School
Medicine Year 1 See Medical School 10 - 16 June 2023
16 - 24 November 2023
See Medical School
Medicine Year 2 See Medical School 20 - 24 November 2023 See Medical School
Medicine Year 3 See Medical School 20 - 24 November 2023 See Medical School
Medicine Year 4 See Medical School 16 - 23 November 2023 See Medical School


Dentistry Year 1 See School
See School
See School
Dentistry Year 2 and 3 See School
See School
See School
Dentistry Year 1 - Supplementary/Deferred See School
See School
See School
Dentistry Year 2 and 3 - Supplementary/Deferred See School
See School
See School


Podiatric Medicine Year 1 (supplementary/deferred) See School See School See School
Podiatric Medicine Year 1 See School See School See School
Podiatric Medicine Year 2 and 3, Doctor of Podiatric Surgery, Doctor of Podiatry See School See School See School
Podiatric Medicine Year 1 See School See School See School
Podiatric Medicine Year 3 See School See School See School
Podiatric Medicine Year 2 See School See School See School
Doctor of Podiatric Surgery, Doctor of Podiatry See School See School See School

Alternative arrangements

It’s your responsibility to ensure you can make your scheduled exams on time. In some circumstances, alternative examination arrangements can be made.

Disability or medical condition

If you have a disability or medical condition that means you are unable to complete exams under normal conditions, alternative arrangements can be made. Examples include alternative venues, extra time, or use of a computer. The adjustment must be clearly related to the functional impact of your disability or medical condition in exam conditions. Make an appointment to discuss your requirements with a disability officer at UniAccess.

Recent injury

If you suffer an illness or disability before exams begin (for example, you injure your writing arm), contact UniAccess to see if special arrangements can be made for you.

Religious beliefs

If you cannot attend an exam due to your religious beliefs, alternative exam arrangements may be made by submitting a special consideration request to your Student Advising Office within five university working days after the publication of the final examination timetable on studentConnect. This includes presenting a letter from your religious leader, indicating you are a member of the congregation and will be unable to attend the scheduled exam.

Elite athletes

Alternative exam arrangements may be made for you by submitting a special consideration request to your Student Advising Office at least four weeks prior to the exam period; unless it is a deferred exam where applications must be received within three university working days after the publication of the timetable. You can sit the exam at the scheduled time away from the University or you may require a deferred exam.

Deferred or supplementary exams

If you’re sitting a deferred or supplementary exam, you are still required to read the information relating to main exams to ensure you’re fully prepared.

Timetable and results

Your personal timetable will display the date, time and assessment type for your exams on studentConnect at least 10 days before the exam period.

If you pass your deferred exam your mark will contribute to your existing unit mark.

If you pass your supplementary exam, you’ll receive a grade of PS (Pass Supplementary). No mark will show on your record; however, a mark of 50 per cent will be used to calculate your weighted average mark (WAM) and grade point average (GPA).

If you fail your supplementary exam, you’ll receive a grade of FS (Fail Supplementary). The original mark will show on your record and can be used to calculate your WAM and GPA you received.

It's important to be aware of how this may affect you in terms of delaying certain aspects of your course. For example, sitting a deferred or supplementary exam will delay when you receive your results, which means you are not able to graduate in the next graduation period. E.g. students sitting Semester 1 deferred or supplementary exams are not permitted to graduate in July and students sitting Semester 2 deferred or supplementary exams are not permitted to graduate in December.

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