Our Strategy
At The University of Western Australia, sport plays a central role in the lives of students; encouraging new friendships, skills and healthy campus culture. Equal to this is the opportunities UWA Sport provides to the wider university, its sports clubs, and the community through programs, services and facilities.
The Future of Sport at UWA
In early February 2018, the UWA Executive commenced working on the planning process for the University’s decadal strategic vision. As a result, UWA Sport was invited to align its strategic planning process with the University and build a strategy that will run from 2020-2025, and extend our previous strategic plan through to December 2019. This approach was endorsed by the UWA Sport Board in December 2018.
Working in partnership with Green Eleven and facilitated by Sally Carbon, the 2020-2025 strategic plan was developed through deep engagement with our students, sports clubs, university, staff, and the wider UWA community. Input was gathered via a series of in-person stakeholder sessions and complemented by online surveys to ensure a broad cross-section of inputs is achieved. Together we built a strategy which ensures sport at UWA continues to deliver value to our students and the broader communities we serve.
The Strategy for Sport at UWA – 2020-25
The next five years will be guided by 5 new strategic focus areas – participation, performance, inclusion, people and culture, and beyond sport. Underlying all of this is our vision; to be regarded as the leading university in Australia for participation, performance and inclusion in sport, and our purpose; an asset of UWA that positively influences student recruitment, the student experience, graduate outcomes, and extends UWA's reach and impact across its community.
ParticipationGrow participation of students, staff and community members
1.1 Existence of a broad suite of services and experiences, with a priority on student-centric programming.
1.2 Invigorate UWA campuses through the use of sport, recreation and active lifestyle initiatives.
1.3 Develop a culture that values participation off the field as much as on it. -
PerformanceBuild a reputation that attracts talent to UWA and encourages progression across all levels of competition
2.1 Create opportunities that position UWA as the destination of choice for talented student-athletes, coaches and officials.
2.2 Provide a professional and supportive environment in which competitive sport thrives.
2.3 Drive Team UWA to its full potential for athletes, researchers and fans. -
InclusionReflect the diversity of the community in which we operate
3.1 Expand existing and develop new programs that enable participation of those from underrepresented and diverse cultural backgrounds.
3.2 Embed Indigenous knowledge and culture through sport.
3.3 Leverage UWA's academic resources to extend its contribution to the broader sport and recreation industry. -
People and CultureExpand our support, recognition and impact of the people supporting sport at UWA
4.1 Invest in the workforce and resources of sport at UWA.
4.2 Invest into volunteering, coaching, officiating and administration development across all tiers of sport at UWA.
4.3 Form robust sport industry connections that drive mentoring, employability and other student experience outcomes. -
Beyond SportPerform as well off the field of play as we do on it
5.1 Operate in a well-planned, financially-strong and digitally-driven environment.
5.2 Stimulate excellence in sports venues and infrastructure.
5.3 Raise the profile and influence of sport at all levels of UWA.
Key Objectives (2020-25)
Key Objectives
- Participation in student focused programs and services trend upwards on year by year basis
- Non-organised/non -structured service offerings for students, staff and the UWA community are enhanced
- UWA Sport offers free and low-cost programs, which engage students from low-SES backgrounds
- UWA Sport Relational NPS score rises from +16 to +25 and is maintained to 2025
- UWA Student Athlete Development Program supports 600 talented student athletes, coaches and officials
- 500 future student athletes are registered with UWA
- Man v Fat Soccer achieves full expansion across Australia
- Team UWA are consistently successful at national championships, national league and international tournament level
- Two new operational business units or joint ventures have been formed by UWA Sport
- UWA recognise and celebrate sporting success of a competitive, non competitive and significant personal development nature
- Upgraded facilities within the UWA Sports Park east and west precincts
- UWA Campus Master plan indicates new and enhanced facilities for sport, recreation and wellbeing
- Our people have ongoing opportunities to learn, lead and impact the outcomes of sport and UWA
- Sport at UWA is publicly recognised as inclusive
- UWA Student Internships, Work Integrated Learning or other course work progression is supported through sport
- UWA Sport facilitates volunteering opportunities for students and staff in sport Sport drives a sense of connectedness, unity and pride at UWA
- The profile and influence of sport across UWA has increased
- The talent pool of coaches and officials across all levels of sport at UWA rises