The Ocean Project 2024: Ode (An Acknowledgement of Sea Country)

Exhibition runs 

17 July – 14 August

Harold Schenberg Study Centre

Kirsten Hudson’s exhibition Ode (An Acknowledgement of Sea Country) has been commissioned as part of The Ocean Project 2024, it features new artworks that explore and communicate complex ideas including scientific and cultural information and human emotions that relate to the ocean.

Kirsten Hudson has brought her own research together with consultation with CSIRO Environment research scientists, including mathematician Dr Fabio Boschetti, psychologist Dr Matt Andreotta, marine ecologist Dr Cindy Bessey and Engineer Nick Mortimer, exploring different knowledge systems including Western science, First Nations knowledge and the ineffable of human emotions in connection with the ocean, to produce an exquisite installation of artworks that have in material form embodied the ocean.

Kirsten Hudson is a transdisciplinary artist scholar living on Whadjuk Noongar boodjar, who creates film, performance, and object-based works that visually speculate upon, human, non-human, and more-than-human embodiment. Hudson also publishes on subjects such as: maternal loss; the ethics/aesthetics of performance; collaborative transdisciplinary pedagogy; bio-art and the materiality of “life”; as well as speculative fiction. She has a PhD in Fine Art and is a Screen Arts, Cultural Studies, & Photography lecturer at Curtin University, WA



Image: Kirsten Hudson, Ode (An Acknowledgment of Sea Country): Work-in-progress cameraless film stills. Materials: DIY bio-plastic celluloid created from Whadjuk Sea County and macroalgae, DIY macroalgae and cephalopod inks, press seaweed sustainably foraged from Whadjuk Country shoreline, digitised using a DIY optical printer.

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