Event details
- Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery
- Map location
Date and time
- Friday, 9 August, 2–2.45pm
Event type
- Talk + Tour
Event Fee
- Free
- Registration essential
Sustainable Action August Tour – THE OCEAN PROJECT 2024
Friday, 9 August, 2–2.45pm
As part of UWA Grand Challenges 'Sustainable Action August' program, you are invited to join a tour of Kirsten Hudson’s exhibition Ode (An Acknowledgement of Sea Country), which was commissioned as part of The Ocean Project 2024.
The Ocean Project 2024 is a year-long collaborative project of the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, CSIRO Environment and School of Design UWA, exploring how art might help in communicating the challenges faced by the ocean. Multiple competing concerns, including environmental, social, economic and cultural, all influence the way we manage and impact the ocean environment and its ability to adapt to global change. Western science, First Nations knowledge systems and Citizen science all play a role. Artist Kirsten Hudson has produced artworks that invite viewers to explore their deep connections with the ocean and reflect upon our relationship with the ocean.
Kirsten Hudson, Ode (An Acknowledgment of Sea Country): Work-in-progress cameraless film stills. Materials: DIY bio-plastic celluloid created from Whadjuk Sea County and macroalgae, DIY macroalgae and cephalopod inks, press seaweed sustainably foraged from Whadjuk Country shoreline, digitised using a DIY optical printer.