Library rules
Making everyone’s Library experience pleasant and rewarding
The University of Western Australia Library ("the Library") includes all the libraries housed in a number of locations across campus. The Library aims to provide innovative and relevant services to support The University of Western Australia to be a leading global institution. The UWA Library is not just a place where information is gathered and accessed, but where ideas are formed, inspired and shared through innovative and engaging physical and digital spaces.
Authorised users β the authorised users of the Library are:
- members of the University Senate
- members of the University staff
- students currently enrolled at the University
- staff and students of institutions with which the Library has reciprocal arrangements
- other persons or bodies approved by the University Librarian, who are required to pay an annual fee unless the fee is waived
Library users β anyone using the Library, in person or virtually, including but not limited to authorised users.
1. Conditions of use
1.1. Authorised users are required to produce a valid Campus Card, a valid card from their home institution, or an affiliate or community Library card when requested by Library staff.
1.2. Authorised users must ensure that the Library has their correct name and contact details.
1.3. The University Librarian determines the conditions of use and the charges for any equipment, facilities or service provided by the Library.
1.4. Borrowing of print collections is restricted to authorised users and is subject to conditions determined by the University Librarian and set out on the Library website.
1.5. Library opening hours are contingent on budget and determined by the University Librarian and set out on the Library website.
1.6. Library users and Library staff will interact with mutual respect and consideration.
1.7. Consumption of food and drink in the Library buildings is restricted in accordance with parameters determined by the University Librarian and set out on the Library website.
1.8. Library users will:
1.8.1. respect Library spaces, property and equipment
1.8.2. respect other Library users
1.8.3. adhere to all notices and signage
1.8.4. comply with licences and contractual agreements associated with electronic resources
1.8.5. comply with all requests made by Library staff
1.8.6. show valid identification upon request
1.8.7. use Library resources (content, equipment, or facilities) safely and appropriately
2. Limits of use
2.1. Reserving any area or facilities in the Library must be authorised by the Library staff.
2.2. Library users should not leave personal belongings unattended. The Library accepts no responsibility for personal belongings left unattended. Unattended items may be removed by staff.
2.3. Library users may be required to present bags for inspection when leaving the building.
2.4. Library users are not permitted to remain in the Library when it is closed.
2.5. Library users must abide by the Computer and Software Use Regulations.
3. Penalties
3.1. The powers of the University Librarian with respect to dealing with students who have committed an act of misconduct in or in relation to the Library are set out in the Regulations for Student Conduct and Discipline. Students' rights of appeal are set out in those regulations.
3.2. The University Librarian may impose a fine, and/or suspend borrowing privileges of authorised users, for breaches of the Library Rules.
3.3. The penalties and fines payable for infringements of the Library Rules are determined by the University Librarian and set out on the Library website.
3.4. Any appeal by a staff member against the exercise of the University Librarian's powers under the Library Rules must be made to the Vice-Chancellor.
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