Help and support

The University Library offers a range of online information and advice, as well as services to support UWA students and staff to be successful and productive.


Drop-in to Level 1 of the Reid Library at the oval table on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 10am and 12pm for the following services, no bookings needed.

• “Writing and Referencing” service for advice on writing, study techniques, finding information and referencing offered by Academic Skills Advisers and Librarians.

• “Maths Stats and Programming” service for advice on mathematics, statistics and computer programming offered by Academic Skills Advisers.

Additional support available

Click below to discover our support for IT, UWA student systems, Library resources and referencing.

Research support

We provide a range of systems and advice to help you maximise the reach of your UWA research to a global audience.

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UWA Profiles and Research Repository

Keep your UWA Profiles and Research Repository profile fresh and update it regularly.

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UWA Profiles and Research Repository Support

Search for guidance on how to get the most out of the UWA Profiles and Research Repository.

Repository Support Guide

Library Guides for UWA researchers

Our Library Guides provide comprehensive support for researchers.


Stay in touch

Contact us to receive help and support from our friendly, knowledgeable staff. 


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