University Library Group Study Spaces

The University Library offers a range of group study spaces in each library for the purposes of group study.  Across the spaces, a range of facilities and room sizes accommodating up to 10 students are available.

To book a group study room/booth:

  1. Click on the relevant library from the Space Bookings list above. You will then see a display of the room availabilities for today. 
  2. Use the Calendar to select what day you want to make the booking on. The display will automatically refresh with the relevant information. Available slots will display as green. Unavailable slots will display as blue.
  3. Click on an available slot in the grid to make a booking and select from the dropdown box below the grid the time your booking will end. You may select up to four 30min time slots per day.
  4. Click Continue and Submit Time slots. You will then be prompted to login using your Uni ID. You must use your UWA student email address to make bookings
  5. Click Submit my Booking to complete the process. You will be sent a confirmation email. 

To cancel a group study room/booth booking:

  1. Open the confirmation email sent to your UWA email account. 
  2. Select the link to cancel your booking.
  3. You will be asked to confirm that you want to cancel your booking. Select Yes to cancel your booking. 

If you are experiencing difficulties cancelling a booking please contact the Library

Group Study Space booking conditions:

  • These spaces are for group study purposes only (other activities including individual study, committee meetings, performing interviews, running a business are not permitted).
  • They are available for UWA students using a student email address.
  • Bookings are limited to 2 hours, per building, per day, per group
  • Please arrive at your group study room within 15 minutes of the start of your booking time. In the case where another party wishes to utilise the room after the 15 minutes have elapsed and you have not arrived, they may do so under the following conditions:
    • Where the original booking is for up to 1 hour, the individual holding the original booking will forfeit their booking.
    • Where the original booking is for more than 1 hour, the individual holding the booking will have the right to occupy the room for the remainder of their booking after the first hour.
  • Bookings can only be made on the hour or half-hour.
  • Bookings can only be made up to three weeks in advance.
  • Other individuals are not permitted to make bookings on your behalf.
  • Bookings can be subject to verification by University Library staff.  The booking details must match the name and student number on the campus card of an individual who is present in the booked space.  If the individual who has booked the room is not in attendance the booking may be cancelled.
  • The University Library has the right to cancel bookings where a valid name and/or email address is not provided or for any reason it deems necessary

For more information or help with using the Space Booking system, contact University Library staff in libraries. 

The information on this page is subject to change without notice.

University Library Learning Spaces

Learning space booking conditions:

  • Spaces available for the purpose of UWA teaching, research or community engagement, with special requirements/characteristics such as:
    • flexible room arrangements
    • showcasing new teaching techniques and technologies
    • hosting visitors to UWA
    • or any other use as approved by Library Executive
  • Spaces available to UWA students for the purposes of:
    • Guild-affiliated groups holding education-focussed events (to a limit of 8 hours per Guild-affiliated group, per year)
    • or any other use as approved by Library Executive
  • Are available for UWA students using a student email address
  • Are available for UWA staff using a staff email address
  • Are limited to 4 hours, per day, per group (across all learning spaces)
  • Can be made up to 12 months, but no less than 48 hours in advance
  • Will only be held for 15 minutes after the start of the booking time
  • Can only be made on the hour or half past the hour
  • Individuals are not permitted to make bookings on another’s behalf
  • Are subject to verification by University Library staff.  The booking details must match the name and student number on the campus card of an individual who is present in the booked room.
  • Bookings outside of these terms and conditions (ie. longer bookings, urgent bookings, bookings for dates not shown in the calendar or with special requirements) will be considered upon request. Please contact the library via If your booking is urgent (less than 48 hours notice), please call the Library on +61 8 6488 1255.
  • Catering of any kind is not permitted in the learning spaces
  • The Library reserves the right to cancel bookings due to a breach of these terms at any time without notice. The library reserves the right to amend, change the location or cancel bookings if circumstances so demand, and will endeavour to give at least 24 hours' notice, unless in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Meeting room bookings
In addition to Learning Spaces, the Library have meeting room venues available to UWA Staff to conduct UWA business.  Please see information about the Jean Kahan room in Barry J Marshall Library and booking meeting venues under the 'Meeting Spaces' section of the Find a Venue webpage.