Imaging from NIF Facility

WA National Imaging Facility 

The Western Australia National Imaging Facility (WA NIF) offers a state-of-the-art technical platform, allowing high-resolution imaging of materials, plants, and specimens, as well as preclinical small animal and biomedical human research capabilities.  

About us

The National Imaging Facility is Australia’s advanced imaging network. Our vision is to enable Australian imaging science to unlock solutions to major challenges. 

Our mission is to make cutting-edge imaging capabilities accessible to Australian researchers and industry, to enable significant impacts on national health challenges and to accelerate Australian innovation.

The WA NIF provides a full pipeline of open access advanced imaging capabilities to researchers and investigators, offering imaging solutions from mice to humans (and almost everything in between), morphology and function, on a microscopic to a macroscopic scale.  

We are located on Level 3 of the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research (North) on the QEII Medical Centre campus.

WA NIF Radiopharmaceuticals is partnered with RAPID, the cyclotron laboratory at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, located next to the WA NIF facility. 

Our imaging services

Image of two people looking at a scan on a computer monitor

Image Data Analysis Service

The WA NIF Node contains a comprehensive range of biomedical and materials imaging instruments, and we provide image analysis and informatics expertise to users across all instruments. 

The WA NIF Node is proud to be partnered with the Australian Centre for Quantitative Analysis (ACQI) who can provide access to an XNAT repository (as part of the Australian Imaging Service network). ACQI provides facilities for the management of imaging data and associated analytics services for researchers and utilises computing resources supported by NCRIS. 

Why choose us?

The WA NIF is home to the only open access, research dedicated human imaging infrastructure in Western Australia. 

Meet our team

Portrait of Bec Dickson

Bec Dickson

General Manager, WA National Imaging Facility

Portrait of Roslyn Francis

Roslyn Francis

Associate Professor

Portrait of Diana Patalwala

Diana Patalwala

Senior Research Officer

Portrait of Sjoerd Vos

Sjoerd Vos

Senior Research Fellow

Portrait of Tim Rosenow

Tim Rosenow

Senior Research Fellow

Portrait of Heidi Espedal

Heidi Espedal

Research Fellow

Portrait of Joseph Ioppolo

Joseph Ioppolo

Research Fellow

image of the waiting room at the Harry Perkins Institute

Location and contact

Email: [email protected]

Address: WA National Imaging Facility
Level 3, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research
QEII Medical Centre campus 
Nedlands WA 6009 

Our partners

Major partners


Major supporter     Host institution






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