English language requirements

At UWA, English is the language of instruction and assessment. You will need to meet the English language requirements of the University to be eligible for a place.

Below is the complete list of ways the English Language Competencies (ELC) requirement can be met for admission to UWA.

English language assistance

International applicants who do not meet the English language requirement for direct entry may consider an Academic English and Study Skills Bridging course at the UWA Centre for English Language Teaching.

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Coursework degrees

Australian tests and qualifications

Western Australia

Achieved a scaled mark of 50 in either: 
  • English ATAR; 
  • Literature ATAR;
  • English as an Additional Language/Dialect ATAR;
  • TEE English;
  • TEE English Literature;
  • TEE English as a Second Language

New South Wales (HSC)

English Standard - 50 or above (Band 2 or above)
English Advanced - 50 or above (Band 2 or above)
English Extension 1 - 25 or above (Band E2 or above)
English Extension 2 - 25 or above (Band E2 or above)
Pre-2001: Contemporary English (2U) - 50 or above
English (General) (2U) - 50 or above
English (2U) - 50 or above
English (3U) - 25 or above
Comparative Literature (2U) - 50 or above
E.S.L. - 70 or above (Band 4 or above)

Queensland (QCE)

English (Must be Board or QSA subjects) - SA or above

South Australia (SACE) / Northern Territory (NTCE)

English Studies (PES) - 10 or above (C- or above)
English Communications (PAS) - 10 or above (C- or above)
English as a Second Language (PES) - 10 or above (C- or above)

Tasmania (TCE)

English / English Communication - SA or above
English Literature / English Studies - SA or above
Writer's Workshop / English Writing - SA or above
World Literature - SA or above ESL Stage 4 - SA or above

Victoria (VCE) English - 25 or above English Language - 25 or above
Literature - 25 or above ESL - 25 or above
Australian Capital Territory (ACT Yr 12 Certificate) English - Scaled mark 125 or above
ESL - Scaled mark 125 or above
Must be 'T' courses taken as a Major, Major/Minor or a Double Major
Combined Universities Language Test (CULT) Minimum score of 70% (valid for two years only) 
Foundation Programs from Other Group of Eight Universities A pass in the English paper of a Go8 foundation program
Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) Verbal: Minimum of 140
Written English: Minimum of 140
Complete a Communications unit in your first year of study To satisfy English Language Requirements you may be able to complete the Communication in Practice [PACM1101] unit in your first year of study at UWA
Degree studies in Australia 
At least one successful year of full-time or equivalent degree studies undertaken in Australia within the past two years; or
At least two successful years of full-time or equivalent degree studies undertaken in Australia completed more than two years ago

International tests and qualifications

Advanced Placement English (USA)

A grade of 3 or higher in AP English Language and Composition or AP English Literature and Composition

All India Examination (CBSE) and Indian School Certificate (CISCE)

English language components with a minimum grade B2 (CBSE) or 60% (CISCE)

Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) and the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)

Minimum grade of 180 with no band less than 170
Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology requires an overall score of at least 185. 
Results are valid for two years only.
Canadian Pre-University (CPU)

Minimum score 65% in English subject ENG4C; or
Minimum score 50% in English subject ENG4U
Other Canadian matriculation results are accepted on a case-by-case basis.

Danish Studentereksamen Level B English: a minimum grade of 10 or above
Level A English: a minimum grade of 02 or above (since 2007). Pre-2007: a minimum grade of 6 or above
Finnish Upper Secondary School Diploma (Lukionpaastotodistus) Grade 8 or above in English A or English (Advanced)

Pass in the Matriculation examination (Ylioppilastutkinto) in English (Advanced)
GCE A-level Minimum grade E in English Language, English Literature or English Language and Literature

Must be endorsed by CIE, OCR, Edexcel, AQA or other UK authority (independent and school-assessed A-levels are not sufficient).
GCE AS-level (General Paper or English Language) Minimum grade C awarded by CIE
GCE A-level (Singapore-Cambridge) Minimum grade E in Knowledge & Inquiry, Literature in English, or English Language and Linguistics 
Minimum grade C in General Paper
GCE O-level (GCSE)

Minimum grade of C6 or 4 in English, English Language, English (First Language) or English Literature

Must be endorsed by CIE, OCR, Edexcel, AQA or other UK authority (independent and school-assessed O-levels are not sufficient).             

GCE O-level (IGCSE) Minimum grade of A or 7 in IGCSE English as a Second Language in conjunction with Grade 1 (One) in Oral/Aural Communication
Must be endorsed by CIE, OCR, Edexcel, AQA or other UK authority (independent and school-assessed O-levels are not sufficient).
GCE O-level (Singapore-Cambridge) Minimum grade C6 in English
German Abitur Minimum grade 3 in German Abitur, in conjunction with a minimum grade B in DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Certificate of Language Proficiency test
Hong Kong A-level Examination (HKALE) Minimum grade C in 'Literature in English'
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Core English Language - minimum Level 4; or

Literature in English (elective) - minimum Level 3 

IELTS (Academic)

IELTS for UKVI (Academic)

IELTS One Skill Retake

Results are valid for two years only.

Minimum overall score of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0 (must include Academic Reading and Writing modules) for all courses EXCEPT as specified below.

Master of Business Administration (MBA Flexible, MBA Full-time) | Graduate Certificate in Health Professions Education | Graduate Diploma in Health Professions Education | Master of Health Professions Education (coursework and dissertation) | Master of Health Professions Education (thesis and coursework) | | | Graduate Diploma in Forensic Odontology - a minimum overall score of 7.0 with no band less than 6.5

Doctor of Dental Medicine | Doctor of Clinical Dentistry | Doctor of Medicine | Doctor of Podiatric Medicine | Doctor of Optometry | Graduate Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology | Graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology | Master of Clinical Audiology | Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology | Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology | Master of Pharmacy | Master of Social Work  Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) - a minimum overall score 7.0 with no band less than 7.0

Master of Education - a minimum overall score 7.5 with no band less than 6.5 

Master of Teaching | Graduate Diploma in Education - a minimum overall score of 7.5 with no band less than 8.0 in Speaking and Listening, and no less than 7.0 in Reading and Writing

Law degrees (except the Juris Doctor and the Master of Taxation Law) – a minimum overall score of 7.0 with no band less than 6.5 

Juris Doctor | Bachelor of Modern Languages– a minimum overall score of 7.5 with no band less than 7.0 

Master of Taxation Law – a minimum overall score of 6.5 and no band less than 6.0 

International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) English A: Literature or Language and Literature at SL - Minimum grade 4

English A: Literature or Language and Literature at HL - Minimum grade 3

Literature and Performance at SL - Minimum grade 4

English B at HL - Minimum grade 5
New Zealand - Bursary English - Minimum score 50
New Zealand - NCEA Level 2: 8 credit points with at least 'Achievement with Merit' in at least 4 of reading and writing Achievement Standards, of which 3 must be externally assessed, excluding AS90379 and AS90374.
Netherlands VWO High School Certificate (Voorbereidend Wetenschappellijk Onderwijs) Minimum grade 8 in the English component
Norwegian Vitnemål Minimum grade 4 in the English component
PTE (Academic)

Results are valid for two years only.

An overall score of 64 with a minimum score of 59 in the speaking and writing sections, and no less than 54 in the listening and reading sections. Unless otherwise noted, requirements apply to individual scores for the communicative skills sections which include listening, reading, speaking and/or writing, for all courses EXCEPT as specified below.

All Postgraduate Research Studies applicants - an overall score of 64 with a minimum score of 64 in the reading and writing sections, and no less than 54 in the other sections

Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology | Graduate Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology | Graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology | Master of Clinical Audiology | Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology - an overall score of 65 with a minimum score of 65 each section

Law degrees (except the Master of Taxation Law) | Bachelor of Modern Languages Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) - an overall score of 70 with a minimum score of 70 in each section 

Master of Taxation Law - an overall score of 64 with a minimum score of 59 in the speaking and writing sections, and no less than 54 in the listening and reading sections

Master of Education - an overall score of 70 with a minimum score of 64 in each section 

Master of Business Administration (MBA Flexible, MBA Full-time) - an overall score of at least 71 with a minimum score of 61 in each section

Graduate Diploma in Education | Master of Teaching - an overall score of 75 with a minimum score of 70 in each section

Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM)
1119 English Paper – A grade of C6 or higher on the GSCE grading system, or a grade of C1 or higher on the CEFR grading system.
Swedish Slutbetyg Minimum grade of VG / C in the English paper

Results are valid for two years only.
To allow verification of your scores use our TOEFL Institution Code: 7496 University of Western Australia (UWA).
Essay Rating / Test of Written English (TWE) of 4.5 and either 230 (Computer-based) or 570 (Paper-based) score

TOEFL is not accepted for professional medical degrees (Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Dental Medicine, Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, Doctor of Optometry and the Master of Pharmacy).

Further information is available for these degrees on this page within the IELTS (Academic) requirements.

Next Generation TOEFL

Results are valid for two years only. 
To allow verification of your scores use our TOEFL Institution Code: 7496 University of Western Australia (UWA).
Internet-based Test (iBT): An overall score of 82 with a minimum score of: 22 in the Writing section; 18 in the Reading section; 20 in the Speaking section; and 20 in the Listening section for all courses EXCEPT as specified below.

All Law courses (except Juris Doctor and Master of Taxation Law) - a minimum overall score of 580 (Paper-based) with a TWE of 5; or 100 (iBT) with minimum score of 28 in iBT Speaking and no less than 26 in the other sections

Juris Doctor - a minimum overall score of 580 (Paper-based) with a TWE of 5; or 106 (iBT) with minimum score of 28 in iBT Speaking and no less than 26 in the other sections

Master of Taxation Law - a minimum overall score of 570 with a TWE of 4.5; or 82 (iBT) with minimum score of 22 in iBT Writing, 18 in iBT Reading and no less than 20 in the other sections

Master of Business Administration (MBA Full-time and the MBA Flexible) - a minimum overall score 100 (iBT) with a minimum score of 20 in each section

Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology | Graduate Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology | Graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology | Master of Clinical Audiology | Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) - 94(iBT) with a minimum score of 27 in iBT Writing, 23 in iBT speaking and no less than 24 in the other sections

Bachelor of Modern Languages – a minimum overall score of 100 (iBT) with a minimum score of 28 in iBT Speaking and no less than 26 in the other sections

Overseas secondary studies taught and examined in English
Secondary teaching and examination in English is acceptable if deemed equivalent to Australian matriculation (Year 12) with a pass in the final year English paper, completed within two years of application.
Vocational education and training taught and examined in English outside Australia Successful completion of a diploma at Nanyang Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic, or Temasek Polytechnic undertaken in Singapore fully in English within the last two years.
Degree studies taught and examined in English outside Australia At least one successful year of full-time or equivalent degree studies, undertaken in Canada (excluding Quebec), Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States of America completed within the past two years; OR

At least two years of successful full-time or equivalent degree level studies undertaken and examined in English at a tertiary institution outside Australia, and assessed by UWA to be equivalent to Australian degree studies, as set out in the Admissions Policy Appendix - Schedule A (Appendix 2).
UWA Centre for English Language Teaching (UWA CELT) Academic English and Study Skills Bridging Course qualification

For all courses unless stated below, a final UWA CELT examination grade of 70% or above is required. Please note: UWA CELT is not available to all cohorts of students.

The UWA CELT Bridging Course is accepted with a final examination grade of 75% or above and a score of 70% or above in each band for the following courses:

  • Graduate Certificate of Health Professions Education
  • Graduate Diploma of Educational Leadership (articulated)
  • Graduate Diploma of Forensic Odontology
  • Master of Business Administration (coursework or coursework and dissertation)
  • Master of Educational Leadership (coursework and dissertation or thesis and coursework)
  • Master of Health Professions Education (coursework and dissertation or thesis and coursework)
  • Master of Laws
  • Master of International Law
  • Master of Mining and Energy Law
  • Master of Resources and International Commercial Law
  • Master of Legal Practice
  • Master of Law Policy and Government
  • Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)

The UWA CELT Bridging Course is accepted with a final examination grade of 85% or above and a score of 80% or above in each band for the following courses:

  • Bachelor of Modern Languages
  • Graduate Diploma in International Law
  • Graduate Diploma in Law
  • Graduate Diploma in Law, Policy and Government
  • Graduate Diploma in Natural Resources Law
  • Graduate Diploma in Taxation Law
  • Juris Doctor
  • Master of Education (coursework and dissertation or thesis and coursework)
  • Master of Science Communication and Education (coursework)

Selected courses at UWA do not have a pathway from the UWA CELT Bridging Course due to post graduation registration requirements that specify an external test measure such as IELTS or OET.

The UWA CELT Bridging Course is not accepted for the following courses:

  • Graduate Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology
  • Graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology
  • Master of Clinical Audiology (coursework)
  • Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (coursework)
  • Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology
  • Master of Pharmacy
  • Master of Social Work (coursework or coursework and dissertation)
  • Master of Teaching (coursework)
  • Master of Teaching Secondary
  • Doctor of Clinical Dentistry
  • Doctor of Dental Medicine
  • Doctor of Medicine
  • Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Clinical Neuropsychology
  • Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Clinical Psychology
  • Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology
  • Doctor of Podiatric Medicine

Higher Degrees by Research

Australian and international tests and qualifications

Graduates from Australian or international Universities are not automatically assumed to have demonstrated English Language Proficiency despite that they may have studied some or all of the courses in English. Each application is considered individually. In most cases a formal English qualification is required.

All English test results with an astrix (*) must have been obtained within the past two years. Higher scores are required for applicants in certain schools, as indicated below.

Test/Qualification Requirement
 WACE, TEE OR equivalent Pass in English, English Literature, or English as a Second Language
GCE O-level (GCSE and IGCSE)
Minimum grade C / C6 in English, English Language, English (First Language) or English Literature.
Minimum grade A in IGCSE English as a Second Language, with grade 1(One) in Oral/Aural Communication

Must be endorsed by CIE, OCR, Edexcel, AQA or other UK authority (independent and school-assessed O-levels are not sufficient)
GCE O-level (Singapore-Cambridge)
Minimum grade C6 in English
*TOEFL (paper-based)
570 with a Test of Written English (TWE) of no less than 4.5

Scholarship applicants require 580, with 45 in the Test of Spoken English (TSE) and 4.5 in the Test of Written English (TWE)
*IBT TOEFL (Internet-based test score)

82 with 22 for writing, 20 for speaking, 20 for listening, and 18 for reading

’Home Edition’ not accepted

Higher TOEFL scores are required for admission in some schools: 

  • Law School – Overall TOEFL score of 94, with a minimum of 24 in Listening and Reading, 23 in Speaking and 27 in Writing. 
  • Graduate School of Education – Overall TOEFL score of 94, with a minimum of 20 in Listening and Speaking, 19 in Reading and 24 in Writing.
  • Business School – Overall TOEFL score of 84, with a minimum of 20 in Listening and Speaking, 19 in Reading and 24 in Writing. 
*IELTS (Academic) 
6.5 (no band lower than 6.0)

‘IELTS Online’ test and IELTS One Skill Retake are not accepted. 

Higher IELTS scores are required for admission in some schools:
  • Law School - overall IELTS of 7, with a minimum score of 7  in each band.
  • Graduate School of Education - overall IELTS score of 7.0, with a minimum of 6.5 in reading and writing, and a minimum of 6.0 in Listening and Speaking.
  • Dental School (For clinically based research projects only) - overall IELTS score of 7.0, with a minimum of 7.0 in all elements (listening, reading, writing and speaking)
  • Business School - overall IELTS score of 6.5, with a minimum of 6.5 in Reading and Writing, and a minimum of 6 in Listening and Speaking. 
*Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency
  in English
C Pass
*Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English
B Grade 
*UWA CELT Bridging Course 
Overall score of 70% with a minimum of 65% for each section

Higher English scores are required for admission in some schools:
  • Law School - an overall score of 80% with a minimum of 80% for reading and writing, and a minimum of 75% for speaking and listening
  • Graduate School of Education - an overall score of 75% with a minimum of 70% in reading and writing
  • Dental School - an overall score of 75% with a minimum of 70% in reading and writing
  • Business School - an overall score of 70% with a minimum of 70% in reading and writing
*Pearson Test of English (PTE) (Academic)
Overall score of 64 with a minimum score of 64 in the Reading and Writing sections,59 in the Speaking section and 54 in the Listening section.

Higher PTE scores are required for admission in some schools:
  • Law School - an overall PTE score of 70 with a minimum score of 70 in each section
  • Graduate School of Education – an overall PTE score of 70, with a minimum of 54 in Listening, 65 in Reading, 59 in Speaking and 65 in Writing.
  • Business School – an overall PTE score of 64, with a minimum of 54 in Listening, 65 in Reading, 59 in Speaking and 65 in Writing. 
Other qualifications assessed on an individual case by case basis

Australian Government visa regulations require higher English scores for applicants from some countries.