Stay updated

Stay updated on improvements and what is happening in the Library.

Reid Library Fully Reopen

The Reid Library is now open! The new features include:

  • Over 400 dedicated spaces for small group and individual quiet study. 

  • Bookable study rooms for 4-6 students.

  • A Wellbeing Lounge where you can relax and find resources on mental health services, with pop-up events by The Living Room.

  • Two Sensory Rooms providing an inclusive study environment for students registered with UniAccess.

  • A Parents' Room for students and staff with children.

  • Indigenous artwork and naming as part of an Indigenous cultural narrative throughout the floor.

  • A Seminar Room with contemporary technology for learning and teaching or events, accommodating up to 50 people. 

  • New air conditioning throughout the building.

  • A new, larger lift. 

  • The Reid Reading Wall featuring Australian literature and displays of Library collections.

  • On Level 2, two dedicated Viva Voce Suites for oral PhD examinations.

TechDesk will relocate to the Reid Library ground floor in 2025. 

Improvements and innovation

The University Library is focused on continual improvement and operational excellence, through measuring what we do, benchmarking against others and reporting to the UWA community.

We undertake regular surveys and proactively listen and respond to student and staff feedback.  The next Library Survey will be conducted in H1 2025.

You can contact us to provide feedback about your experience using the University Library.

Workshops and events

The Library offers a range of engaging workshops and events for students, researchers and other members of the UWA community.

View our full calendar of events, including research support workshops and more.

All workshops and events

Stay in touch

Contact us to receive help and support from our friendly, knowledgeable staff. 


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