UWA Profiles and Research Repository



UWA Profiles and Research Repository mission statement

The UWA Profiles and Research Repository aims to support the University’s strategic mission to be a trusted source of open and accessible research and provide strategic and sustainable infrastructure and services to enable high-quality and trusted research.
As such its mission is to store and preserve all deposited data and provide reliable, long term, managed access to UWA research outputs such as publications, research datasets, equipment metadata, grants, engagement activities, across all disciplines and formats. 

The repository is committed to data preservation and enhanced access for research purposes through creating links between these key University research and teaching activities and making them discoverable and accessible throughout the world.

UWA staff and HDR students can log into the Repository add and edit content relating to their profile by clicking the button below.

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Annual Research Publication Collection 
Research publications and outputs are collected in the Repository on an annual basis and audited by Library staff for Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) eligibility. 

Audit decisions are based on the UWA Publications Manual which outlines the eligibility and requirements for each category for inclusion in the Excellence in Research Australia (ERA).

Copyright and take-down requests

Unless otherwise stated, copyright owners retain the copyright of their material made available in the UWA Profiles and Research Repository. Users may make use of the material in the UWA Profiles and Research Repository providing the use is in accordance with the Australian Copyright Act 1968 and any copyright/re-use statements attached to the material, and providing due attribution of authorship is given. Unless otherwise permitted by an explicit licence or copyright statement, material from the UWA Profiles and Research Repository should not be adapted, reproduced or republished without the permission of the copyright owner/s.

If you believe material in the UWA Profiles and Research Repository constitutes copyright infringement or a breach of an agreed licence or contract, please contact [email protected]. The material in question will be withdrawn from public access while the complaint is being investigated. All investigations arising from a take-down request will be done in accordance with the University’s Information Protection Policy.

Terms of Agreement for Research Data Publishing    

For researchers depositing a dataset in the Repository, you must agree to the Terms of Agreement which will appear as a pop-up when you create a new dataset record.

A copy of the Terms of Agreement are here.


For Repository assistance, please visit the UWA Profiles and Research Repository Support

If you need further Repository support, contact:
[email protected]  (for staff)
[email protected]  (for students)

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