Support for UWA researchers

The Library provides research services, support and training to UWA researchers and Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students. This page provides quick links to online research support materials and services provided by the Library to support researchers and HDR students throughout the research lifecycle.

Literature and information
  • Library collections and databases
    OneSearch provides access to our extensive collections and resources. Go to the Databases page to browse through a list of subject-specific databases. For information on borrowing from the collection, see the Borrowing from the Library page
    Set up FindIt@UWA links to access articles that UWA subscribes to when using Google Scholar. See the UWA Google and Google Scholar guide for instructions.
  • Literature searching
    Our Composing a Search guide demonstrates how to compose a search to locate relevant literature for your research. 
  • Systematic reviews
    Our Systematic Reviews guide provides information that will help you start your systematic or scoping review and the process to follow if you need library help. 
  • Get It Document Delivery & InterLibrary Loan
    Use the Library’s Get It service to request resources not available at UWA. See the Request and Recommend page for more information or place your request via OneSearch.
  • Recommend a Purchase
    The Library welcomes recommendations for new resources such as books and journals from UWA staff and students. Find out more from the Request and Recommend page.
  • Special Collections
    UWA Special Collections main themes are rare materials, Australian Literature, Indian Ocean Maritime History, Literature and Theatre and the University. Materials from the collection can be found in OneSearch and can be viewed in the Special Collections reading room on the 2nd Floor, Reid Library, on request. Contact us to arrange a visit. 
  • Theses
    The Library can help you find theses, obtain copies of theses and make your thesis available in the UWA Profiles and Research Repository. See our Theses page. 
  • EndNote
    EndNote reference management software enables you to create a library of references for the information resources you are using in your research. It can be used with MS Word to automate the creation of in-text citations and end-text reference list in your chosen style.  EndNote is free for all UWA staff and students. Download and learn how to use EndNote from the UWA Endnote guide
Research data
  • Research Data Management
    The Library can assist you with research data management, including your data management plans, storage, sharing and publishing. Your datasets can be added to the UWA Profiles and Research Repository. See our Research Data Management Toolkit. UWA researchers should complete a Research Data Management Plan (RDMP) in the UWA Research Data Hub at the commencement of each research project/activity. A completed RDMP is required in order to access UWA approved data storage.
  • UWA Research Data Hub
    The UWA Research Data Hub support guide provides guidance for creating a RDMP within the UWA Research Data Hub and submitting a request for UWA approved data storage.
  • Qualtrics
    See the Library's guide for UWA staff and students on using Qualtrics for research surveys.
  • REDCap
    See the Library's guide for UWA researchers on getting started with REDCap for medical research surveys.
  • Text and data mining
    Advice for UWA researchers on text and data mining in research.
  • Data analysis software and tools
    SPSS, R and NVivo are all available via the Service Desk Self Service portal. Find out more about data analysis software.
Research publications
  • Where to publish guide 
    Our How to publish and disseminate research guide provides guidance on publishing strategically.
  • Open Access and Read & Publish agreements
    See our Open Access toolkit for guidance on making your publications openly available, to increase reach and access and comply with funding mandates and the UWA Research Integrity Policy.  
    Open Access Agreements with several journal publishers provide UWA authors with the opportunity to publish open access in subscription journals immediately on acceptance, and free of any transactional Article Processing Charges (APCs). UWA also has agreements and memberships with some publishers to discount APCs for publishing open access.
  • Publishing research data
    Our Research Data Management Toolkit includes information on publishing research data.
  • Copyright support 
    The Library can provide you with advice regarding the use of copyright material for research and publication. There are also special copyright considerations required when submitting items to the UWA Profiles and Research Repository. See our copyright guides: 
  • Predatory publishing
    Watch out for predatory publishers who endeavour to engage academic authors to publish with them, although the journal is of poor quality or even fraudulent. Be proactive when selecting a publisher and use Cabell’s Scholarly Analytics Predatory Reports, available through OneSearch, to check whether a journal is considered predatory.
Research profiles and performance
  • The UWA Profiles and Research Repository 
    The UWA Profiles and Research Repository provides an open access platform to capture, store, index and distribute globally a wide range of research outputs and engagement produced by the University's researchers. It supports UWA researchers to comply with funder Open Access mandates and the University's reporting requirements. The UWA Profiles and Research Repository is indexed by Trove, Google and OAlster.

    The UWA Profiles and Research Repository also contains staff profiles for current UWA academic staff. It provides information about research and teaching activities, as well as outputs, and enables the dissemination of research, activities and achievements to potential research collaborators, students, industry partners and the wider community. Higher Degree by Research students and professional staff can also request a public profile.          

    Login to the UWA Profiles and Research Repository to edit and update your staff or student profile. Work through these step-by-step instructions to set up your profile and ensure that it represents you, your School and the University in the best light. 
  • Using the University byline
    The UWA Research Integrity Policy requires that all staff and students employed by, or enrolled at, the University (including Honorary and Adjunct staff) are to include the 'University of Western Australia' in their publication byline. See this Guideline for applying the University byline for further information. 
    The UWA Research Integrity Policy requires authors to include their ORCID iD® in publications and to ensure that their ORCID iD is linked to their profile in the UWA Profiles and Research Repository. See these instructions on connecting your ORCID iD.  
  • Research metrics and other engagement
    See our Citations, Altmetrics and Researcher Profiles guide for guidance on the key tools for measuring and describing your research performance, as well as setting up and managing your researcher profiles.  
  • Metrics Support Service
    The Library offers a Metrics Support Service to UWA researchers and postgraduate students who wish to find evidence of their research performance. The Metrics Support Service Charter explains what is in scope for the service, and how to book a consultation. 
  • Study spaces
    There are nearly 4,000 study spaces available across the University's five libraries. A range of study zones are on offer, so you can work with colleagues, with a coffee, with a view, or focus alone and in silence. You'll also find a range of facilities including monitors, power points, charging stations, Wi-Fi, printing, copying, scanning and group study spaces. See our Library opening hours.
  • Meeting rooms and function spaces
    The University Library offers a range of venues that can be booked by UWA staff for UWA-related teaching, research, engagement or other business. Some libraries have larger venues like teaching and training rooms, making them ideal venues for UWA workshops, events and functions. See our Find a venue page.
  • Resource and Parent rooms
    The five UWA libraries include a range of inclusive spaces intended to support all UWA students for success, with comfortable facilities and specialist equipment. 
  • Postgraduate study spaces
    The Library offers two dedicated spaces for current UWA postgraduate and honours students to engage in silent individual study. Access is via campus card, and automatically enabled for students in postgraduate and honours courses, but please contact us if you experience any issues accessing these spaces: 
    • Reid Library Second Floor – approx. 150 seats, 20 docking stations to use with laptops, standing desks, 60 lockers and 15 laptop lockers.
    • Barry J Marshall Library Third Floor – approx. 338 seats including 10 PCs and 12 lockers
Support and training
  • Webinars and Workshops
    The Library offers a regular program of webinars and workshops aimed at researchers and postgraduate students. The program is delivered by experienced librarians and provides guidance about research profiles, information and data discovery and management, copyright, publishing and increasing engagement with research outputs. 

    See our calendar of events and extensive catalogue of past webinar recordings.  
  • Library Inductions
    New staff and HDR students are personally invited to attend a Library induction with a librarian shortly after joining the University. Refresher sessions are also available for existing staff and students. Look out for your invitation or contact us to arrange. 
  • Other areas offering support and resources

We're here to work with you to achieve your research goals. Have questions or want further support? Ask us or book a consultation:

New staff and HDR students are personally invited to attend a Library induction with a librarian shortly after joining the University. Refresher sessions are also available for existing staff and students. Look out for your invitation or contact us to arrange.

Stay in touch

Contact us to receive help and support from our friendly, knowledgeable staff. 


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