Who are you?
My name is Nicole Kostova and I am a Bachelor of Arts student majoring in Political Science and International Relations and Marketing.
Where did you take your internship?
I interned with the WA Department of Transport as a Marketing and Communications Officer for the Maritime Environmental Emergency Response unit (MEER). MEER are responsible for tackling issues such as marine pollution and oil spill responses. My internship was arranged through UWA and the McCusker Centre for Citizenship.
What was your role?
Through my Marketing and Communications Officer role, I was able to use my creative and forward-thinking skills to produce a campaign that not only made a difference to the environment but to every member of the community, because having a pristine marine environment is something we all value here in Western Australia.
What were your key takeaways from your internship?
- You can effect positive change and make a difference to your community
- You can meet new people and develop your professional networks
- You can gain experience of working in a professional environment
Summarise your experience
I would definitely encourage other students to seek out an internship opportunity while studying because I think it’s really nice to see what you have learnt being put in place in a real-world environment, and you never know where this might lead you in the future.
Interested in an internship with the McCusker Centre for Citizenship? Find out about the opportunities available to you.