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Living the international student dream at UWA

01/06/2022 |

Are you considering studying abroad in Australia? Hear from Calvin Lee, a current international student from Malaysia, who is living his dream in Perth.

Written by Calvin Lee, an international student from Malaysia and UWA Unibuddy.

Hi there, my name’s Calvin and I’m a third year Bachelor of Commerce student at The University of Western Australia, majoring in marketing and management.

I’m living my dream at UWA. You might be thinking - that’s a bit of a stretch, isn’t it? But I can assure you, it is not. Ever since I was young, I’ve always said that I wanted to study in Australia one day. I didn’t fully understand what that meant back then but I was driven by that goal every day. 

 Calvin Lee sitting on campus living the international student dream

How did I decide on the field that I am studying?

Before commencing my degree, I didn’t know what marketing was. I wasn’t one of those students who had “always known” what they wanted to study. But after studying marketing in my first semester of my Commerce degree at UWA, I knew that this was the subject for me. I love being creative, I love running campaigns, and I love watching new ideas come to life; marketing is the perfect choice for me.

Why did I choose to study at UWA?

Choosing to study abroad is a massive decision and wasn’t just about picking a university, it was also about picking a city to live in. So, why did I choose Perth and not Sydney, Melbourne, or even Brisbane? Well, my answer is simple. I love the serenity here in Perth. It’s a multicultural city, and the community here is tight knit. Plus, UWA’s campus is first-class. Whether you like a quiet spot to relax or a conducive environment to study, the vibrant campus here has it all. 

International students sitting on UWA campus

How has my experience been so far at UWA?

Studying here at UWA has been an incredible experience so far. The facilities here are cutting-edge, the tutors are extremely knowledgeable, but most importantly, the people here are friendly and welcoming. Everyone here accepts me for who I am, and I’ve been made to feel like I truly belong here. That’s a great feeling to have as an international student. I’ve made some friends for life in my few years here and I couldn’t be any happier about that.

What is my favourite thing about UWA?

One of my favourite things to do here at UWA is attend events, which there are plenty of all year round. I’ve been to sundowners, networking events, as well as quiz nights. I’d like to think that I’m outgoing so whether it be attending with a group of friends or just going alone, all these events are a good excuse to make new friends and have a good time.

My time here at UWA has been nothing but phenomenal. It has been an amazing journey so far and I hope to see some of you here at UWA someday!


Want to know more about joining us at UWA?

Chat to Calvin on Unibuddy 

Unibuddy is our student chat platform, that gives you an opportunity to talk to real current UWA international students and have your questions answered about student life at UWA and in Perth. Start a chat with Calvin or meet our other Unibuddies! 

You can also visit the international students page on our website or contact our Future Students Centre by submitting an online enquiry through askUWA.

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