How UWA is giving me the all-round uni experience

16/09/2021 |
5 mins

George is studying his Bachelor of Philosophy in Population Health and Microbiology & Immunology. And just over one year in, he has jumped headfirst into the full university experience UWA has to offer. 

Originally hailing from Narembeen, a small town three hours east of Perth, George now lives on campus at St George’s College, home to UWA students since 1931. 


Earlier this year, George completed a work placement at the QEII Medical Centre, assisting microbiologist and biomedical scientist Dr Laura Masters with her research in virology and viral immunology. 

This hands-on, practical experience in the lab was a turning point for George, giving him a taste of what his career could be — and a great industry connection for the future.

"I wasn’t sure what my future would hold, but after this internship [at QEII], I really had an idea of what it could look like."

George also had the opportunity to undertake a virtual study tour with The Australian Consortium for 'In-Country' Indonesian Studies (ACICIS), a two-week intensive program for public health students. 

He was introduced to the Indonesian public health system through seminars with leading health professionals, policymakers and community health workers, virtual field visits to healthcare facilities and more — all without leaving his bedroom.

And as if all that wasn’t enough, George has also picked up a few new skills since he started at UWA — taking on French units and learning martial arts with the UWA Aikido Club and UWA Kobudo club.

“UWA has given me the ability to explore my passions to the fullest, every single day.”

Find out more about studying Health and Biomedical Sciences at UWA

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