Current and past issues

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Latest issue

The University of Western Australia Law Review
Volume 52, Issue 2
February  2025


Past issues


Volume 51 Issue 1, January 2024

Politicisation of Human Rights: Current battlegrounds and sites of contestation
Rosa Freedman - page 1

The Persistent Problem of Consent in Australian Criminal Laws on Trafficking in Persons, Slavery and Slavery-like Practices
Peta-Jane Secrett - page 23

Copyright Nazi Plunder - How the Nazis Aryanized Jewish Works
Lior Zemer and Anat Lior - page 46

Strengthening Australia's Response to Modern Slavery - Lessons from Comparative Human Rights Due Diligence Laws.
Fiona McGaughey, Rosie Rowe and Cora Lappel - page 62

Torres Strait Islanders Leading the Charge on the Human Rights Implications of Climate Change: Daniel Billy et al. v Australia.
Fiona McGaughey, Amy Maguire and Sasha Purcell - page 88

Protection of the Rights of Workers of Industrial Enterprises by International Humanitarian Law (on the Example of the War in Ukraine)
Oleg Yaroshenko, Nataliia Melnychuk, Olena Moskalenko, Roman Prokopiev and Yelyzaveta Yaryhina - page 99

Peculiarities of Compensation for Damages and Losses Caused as a Result of the Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation Against Ukraine
Oksana Hnativ, Halyna Yanovytska, Svitlana Senyk and Iryna Pasailiuk - page 116

Modernization of the Regime for the Return of Cultural and Historical Objects: Administrative and Legal Aspects
Mykola Starinskyi, Zhanna Zavalna, Yurii Chalyi, Kateryna Skrynnikova and Artem Tsyban - page 133

Volume 51 Issue 2, August 2024

Voluntary Assisted Dying and State Residence Requirements: A Western Australian Perspective [PDF, 648KB]
Aidan Ricciardo - page 146

Regulating Sex Work in Western Australia: Police Powers, Morality and Law-Making [PDF, 736KB]
Michelle Bordoni - page 177

Improving the Future for Commonwealth Ministerial Responsibility and Responsible Government? : The Bell Inquiry and Beyond [PDF, 889KB]
Greg Carne - page 203

The Future Act Regime in Australian Native Title: Data Analysis, Trends, and Insights [PDF, 604KB]
Michael Lucas - page 248

Populism in the World’s Largest Democracy: Whither Minority Rights in India? [PDF, 521KB]
Mohd Sikandar - page 274

Administrative and Legal Regulation of the Status of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine During the War [PDF, 663KB]
Yevhen Leheza, Viktoriia Yurovskа, Artur Zamryha, Vadym Ulozhenko, Bohdana Bohdan - page 295

Protection and Repatriation of Cultural Property from Illicit Trafficking in Thailand: Legal Prospects and Challenges [PDF, 594KB]
Peerapon Jadrojananont - page 312

Sovereignty and Circumvention: The Viability and Constitutionality of CETA's ISDS Features for Australian Investment Treaties [PDF, 604KB]
Adam Lukacs - page 337

Volume 52 Issue 1, October 2024

Due Process or Due Proceeds? Confiscation and Related AML Laws in and beyond Australia [PDF, 596KB]
Radha Ivory, Gregory Dale and Arie Freiberg – page 1

Criminal Property Confiscation and Third-party Rights: Giving the Hedgehog a Foxy Tail [PDF, 511KB]
Natalie Skead and Sarah Murray – page 9

The Principled and Practical Limits to Unexplained Wealth Orders [PDF, 623KB]
Liz Campbell and Áine Clancy – page 29

Know Your Customer in the Digital Age: Challenges of Privacy, Data Security and the Speed of Technological Development [PDF, 491KB]
Jeannie Marie Paterson – page 53

Like for Like (and Dislike for Dislike?): Forfeiting Substitute Property under Australia’s Proceeds of Crime Statutes [PDF, 355KB]
Gregory Dale – page 83

A Symbolic Defeat? Exploring Symbolism and Failure in the Social Reuse of Confiscated Mafia Real Estate in Italy [PDF, 447KB]
Amber Phillips – page 101


Volume 50 Issue 1


Re-evaluating the Role of the Referral Power in Australian Federalism: A Tool of Last Resort?
Nicholas Moses

The Truth is Out There: How Lawyers Can (Maybe) Predict Judgments with Machine Learning
Nicholas Cardaci

Addressing Challenges if Information Asymmetry in Financial Sector Using Information Utility
Ankeeta Gupta

After Ridd: Can Australian Universities Still Regulate Uncivil Behaviours Within Their Institutions?
Pnina Levine*

The Legal Rhetoric of Safety and Security: Improving National Security Law Process, Enactment and Content by Moderating its Executive and Legislative Influence
Greg Carne 

Why Should Hedge Funds be Regulated at the International Level as well as the National Level?
Xun Li

Affirmative Consent and the Mistake of Fact Excuse in Western Australian Rape Law
Jonathan Crowe, Rachael Burgin and Holli Edwards

Improving Cannabis Regulation in Western Australia: Lessons from Prohibitory, Decriminalisation and Legalisation Regimes
Paris Mcneil

Pharmaceutical Drugs Industry in Malaysia: Sustainability and Competitive Market 
Wan Liza Md Amin and Mawaddah Munirah Zulfakar

Sexual Misconduct at Workplace and Indian Corporate and Securities Law: Exploring Corporate Disclosures of Sexual Harassment Cases by Indian Companies in Me-too Era
Akanksha Singh

Covid-19 Emergency Measures and their Implications for Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Groups in Australia: A Human Rights Perspective
Jamie Paterson, Mostafa Mahmud Naser and Haydn Rigby

Volume 50 Issue 2


Why Can’t I Be Paid in Pizza? – Comparing s 323 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and Consideration at Common Law
Gabrielle Golding and Mark Giancaspro

Limiting The Gain to be Disgorged by Defaulting Fiduciaries: The (Ir)Relevance of Remoteness
Jesse Martino

Doing The Same Work? Estoppel by Convention and Failure of Basis
Felicity Maher

Legal Countermeasure for the Inevitability of Information Asymmetry in Current Capital Markets
Seokjin Oh

When Trust Fails Purpose: Legislative Lessons From Police Access to the SafeWA Covid 19 Contact Tracing Data
Narelle Morris and Anna Bunn

Pandemics, Privacy and Pressing Constitutional Limits – The Commonwealth’s Use of the Nationhood Power to Facilitate COVIDsafe
Samantha Gates

Migrant Workers and the Right to Their Family Support as Important Components of International Migration – The Example of Ukraine and Canada
Volodymyr Vatras, Mykola Stefanchuk, Nadiia Bondarenko Zelinska, Nadiia Chudyk Bilousova and Mariia Lohvinova

Is There an Unjust Enrichment Disaster in Australia?
Luke Bennett and Sagi Peari

Book Reviews

John Tarrant, Legal and Equitable Property Rights (Federation Press)
Joseph Sabbagh



Volume 49, Issue 1

Theme: The Nature of Causation

Causation (Contribution) and the ‘No Worse Off’ Limitation on Liability
Richard Wright

Omissive Overdetermination: Why the Act-Omission Distinction Makes a Difference for Causal Analysis
Yuval Abrams

Three Categories of Causation in Tort Law
Johannes Hygen Meyer

Theme: Causation, Science and Law

Causation: The Interface Between the Scientific and Legal Methods
The Hon. Justice Jonathan Beach

Law and Epidemiological Evidence; Double, Toil and Trouble
Per Laleng and Charles Feeny

The Challenges of Proving Toxic Tort Causation: Genetic Markers as the Solution
Sara Golru

Theme: ‘Decision Causation’

Willpower Has No Voltage: Problems with Causation in Equitable Estoppel
The Hon. Justice Julie Ward and Stephen Puttick

Causation and Contributory Negligence: The Use and Misuse of Causal Concepts in Cases of Misleading Conduct
Henry Cooney

Theme: Causation in the Criminal Law

A NESS Causation Based Concept for Imputation of Harm in Criminal Law
Ingeborg Puppe and Thomas Grosse-Wilde

Case Analysis: Causation in Homicide, ‘Fright, Escape or Self-Preservation’ Cases: Yarran v The State of Western Australia
Meredith Blake and Stella Tarrant

Theme: Causation in Commercial Disputes

The Causal Effect of Hypothetical Events Upon Contractual Damages
Joshua Thomson SC and Madeleine Durand

Case Analysis: TPT Patrol Pty Ltd v Myer Holdings Limited: Why Shareholders Can Rely on Market-Based Causation
Zamir Golestani

Theme: Causation in Tort

Material Contribution in Bonnington: Not an Exception to ‘But For’ Causation
Neil Foster

‘Simply Unpredictable’: Establishing Causation for Claims of Police Negligence in Domestic Violence Cases
Nithya Narayanan

Case Analysis: Inferring Necessary Conditions: The Enduring Paradox of the ‘But For’ Test in Factual Causation
Marco Rizzi and Amy Thomasson

Volume 49, Issue 2

An Examination of the Influence of International Treaties on Developments in Australian Family Law
Martin Allcock

The Duty of Loyalty of Company Directors in China
Dr Charlie Xiao-Chuan Weng

Rethinking Replication in Empirical Legal Research
Jason M. Chin and Alex O. Holcombe

Returning to Sample the Remedial ‘Smorgasbord’ for Misleading Conduct
Elise Bant and Alex McCracken

Mapping Misleading Conduct: Challenges in Legislative Design
Joseph Sabbagh, Elise Bant and Jeannie Marie Paterson

A New Theorisation of ‘Home’ as a Thing in Property
Samuel Tyrer

Do Androids Dream of a Duty of Care: Arguing for Civil Liability for Autonomous Military Systems in Australia
Brendan Walker-Munro

When Life Means What the Minister Says it Means: The Need for Reform Parole Laws For Prisoners Serving Life Sentences in Western Australia
Gabrielle Seah, Lorana Bartels, Hilde Tubex and Natalie Gately

The Three-step Test Through the Lenses of International and European Laws: The Australian Perspective
Nikos Koutras and Haydn Rigby

Book Review: Vishv Priya Kohli, Counterfeit and Falsified Medicines in the EU A Legal Perspective
Michael Blakeney


Volume 48, Issue 2

Fighting A Pandemic According to Law: Examining the Legality of Key Elements of China’s Early Covid-19 Response in Wuhan
Michael Hooper

Culpable Corporate Minds
Elise Bant

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in Australia: Are Human Rights Protected in the Domestic Juvenile Justice Domain
Stephen Monterosso

Misleading Conduct, Reliance and Market-Based Causation
Henry Cooney

Penalty Enhancement Laws: A Model for Regulating Hate Crime in Australia
Gail Mason

Expanding the Scope for Judicial Deference in the Mixed-Government Era
Rohan Balani

Justifying White & Carter: A Limitation on Excessively Wasteful Performance
Luke Moran

Consent in Posthumous Reproduction: Giving the Deceased a Voice Without Drowning Out the Living in Cases of Unexpected Death
Amy Thomasson and Marco Rizzi

Challenges in Open Banking —What are the Practical Steps to be Taken Now?
Bruno Zeller and Brian Lynch

Power and Punishment: A Closer Look at Exemplary Damages as a Response to Tortious Conduct of Police Officers in Western Australia
Alana Kildea

Putting a Price on Peace of Mind: Funeral Insurance and Consumer Harm
Lucinda O’Brien, Peng Guo, Ian Ramsay and Paul Ali

Guardianship and Administration Litigation in State Tribunals: Burns v Corbett (2018) 353 ALR 386 & GS V MS [2019] WASC 255 (Case Note)
Aarahnan Raguragavan

Kerry King, A Lesser Species of Homicide: Death, Drivers and the Law (Book Review)
Rick Sarre

Evana Wright, Protecting Traditional Knowledge: Lessons from Global Case Studies and Paul Kuruk, Traditional Knowledge, Genetic Resources, Customary Law and Intellectual Property: A Global Primer (Book Review)
Michael Blakeney

Paul W Kahn, Origins of Order: Project and System in the American Legal Imagination (Book Review)
Jing Zhi Wong


Volume 47, Issue 1

Introduction: Law and Politics of Freedom of Religion in Comparative Perspective
Jaclyn L Neo and Brett G Scharffs, 1-14

Legislating for Religious Freedom in Australia: Navigating the long and winding road
Rick Sarre, 15-41

The Politics of Freedom of Religion in Australia: Can International Human Rights Standards point the way forward?
Nicholas Aroney and Paul Taylor, 42-63

The Ethos of Protection for Freedom of Religion or Belief in Australian Law
Paul T Babie, 64-91

From the exception to the rule: Dignity, Clubb v Edwards and Religious Freedom as a Right
Neville Rochow and Jacqueline Rochow, 92-111

Drawing the boundaries: The Scope of the Religious Bodies Exemptions in Australian Anti-Discrimination Law and Implications for Reform
Sarah Moulds, 112-151

Children in Schools: The Battle Ground for Religious Belief
Dr Renae Barker, 152-174

Respecting the dignity of Religious Organisations: When is it appropriate for Courts to decide Religious Doctrine?
Neil Foster, 175-219

Volume 47, Issue 2

'Who Publishes Where?': Who publishes in Australia's top Law journals and which Australians publish in top Global Law journals?
Ian Murray and Natalie Skead, 220-282

Evidence in chief in commercial cases: Witness outlines - the past revisited?
Christopher Shanahan SC, 283-309

The Ridd case and the model code for the protection of free speech and academic freedom: Wins for academic freedom or losses for University codes of conduct and respectful and courteous behaviour?
Pnina Levine and Rob Guthrie, 310-325

The enforceability of arbitration clauses containing class action waivers: Will courts allow potential class members to waive goodbye to compensation?
Andrew McLeod, 326-349

Abbe E.L Brown, Intellectual Property, Climate Change and Technology: Managing National legal intersections, relationships and conflicts (Edward Elgar, 2019)
Michael Blakeney, 350-353 (Book Review)

A post-Aon doctrine of abuse of process: UBS AG v Tyne (As trustee of the Argot Trust) (2018) 360 ALR 184
Benjamin Teng and Hannah Williams, 354-375

All or Nothing: The legal dilemma of identifying a firearm in Australia
Samuel H.G. Diprose Adams, 376-408

Volume 48, Issue 1

Rights, reasons, and international norms
Trevor Daya-Winterbottom, 4-32

Rights of nature as a response to the Anthropocene
Alice Bleby, 33-67

Disaster Risk Reduction, Vulnerability and the Law: A Case for Including Animals
Ashleigh Best, 68-99

Law, Interdisciplinarity and ‘Wicked’ Problems
Jeanette Høj Jensen, 100-139

Statues and status: The legal geography of landscape values and belonging
Brad Jessup, 140-169

The legal geographies of the troposphere
Tayanah O'Donnell, 170-188

Opportunities for ‘next generation’ climate litigation in Western Australia
Sarah Flynne, 189-222

Addressing carbon and climate change through environmental impact assessment: A case study of Western Australian LNG and the “Burrup Hub” project
Ruby Hamilton and Piers Verstegen, 223-263

Germany’s Climate Change Agenda: A Critical Overview
Jürgen Bröhmer, 264-294

How does the Land and Environment Court clinical program for law students facilitate access to environmental justice?
Judith Preston and Shannon Peters, 295-320

Legal Geography: perspectives and methods (Book Review)
Erika Techera, 321-323

Water Regulation and coal seam gas (Book Review)
Tayanah O'Donnell, 324-325

Environmental, Planning and Climate Law in Queensland (Book Review)
Brad Jessup, 326-329


Volume 46, Issue 2

And now for something completely different - An Overview of an unusual special edition of the UWA Law Review and an Unusual Conference
Camilla Andersen, 174-182

Comic Book Contracts - A Legal Conference in Images
Michaela O'Doherty, 183-190

Contract Comics and the Visualization, Audio-Visualization, and Multisensorization of Law
Colette R. Brunschwig, 191-217

Improving Aurecon's Employment Contracts through Visualisation
John McGuire and Camilla Andersen, 218-236

Integrative Law
J. Kim Wright, 237-251

Applied Comics for Law and the Avatar Brainstorming
Stuart Medley and Bruce Mutard, 252-258 

The Sikoryak Perspective
Camilla Andersen, 259-268

Closing Address, Comic Book Contracts Conference
The Hon Robert French AC, 268-271 

Volume 44 Issue 1


Challenging the Legal Profession a Century On: The Case of Edith Haynes
Margaret Thornton, 1-20

Are 'Racial' Abuse and Invective an Inevitable Part of Australian Discourse?  Section 18C and the Implied Freedom of Political Communication
Larissa Welmans, 21-64

Construction of Contracts: The Ambiguity Gateway and the Current State of the Law
Maha Chaar, 65-89

International Trade, Polar Environments and Sustainable Development
Wygene Chong, 90-115

More Than Just a Humble Abode: The Implications of Constitutional Citizenship Rights for Passport Law
Fabian Di Lizia, 116-156

Practitioner papers

The 'Interest' Based Penalty Tests in Pacioccoa and Cavendish/Parkingeye and the Law of Penalties and Damages in Australia and the United Kingdom
Larissa Welmans and John Naughton, 157-171

Costs Orders in Federal Court Migration Litigation: An Empirical Analysis
Nicholas Cardaci, 172-187

Book review

Transnational Intellectual Property Law.  Text and Cases by Robert P. Merges and Seagull Haiyan Song.  Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK, Northampton MA, USA 2018
Michael Blakeney, 188-191

Volume 45, Issue 1

2018 Winterton Lecture: Constitutional interpretation
James Edelman, 1-30

Indigenous land tenure reform, self-determination, and economic development: comparing Canada and Australia
Leon Terrill and Sasha Boutilier, 34-70

Claims for the value of the lost contractual performance
David Winterton, 75-103

Set up to fail? Examining Australian parole compliance laws through a therapeutic jurisprudence lens
Max Henshaw, Lorana Bartels and Anthony Hopkins, 107-136

No oral modification clauses: an Australian response to MWB Business Exchange Centres v Rock Advertising
George Pasas, 141-156

Dichotomy or trichotomy? Defining employees and independent contractors in an evolving market
Stephen Kikiros, 158-182

Goodbye, Shanzhai: Intellectual property rights and the end of copycat China
Lawrence Page, 185-195

But Wait...There's More: The Ongoing Complexities of Section 44(I)
Husssein Al Asedy and Lorraine Finlay, 196-239

Conflict of Laws and Arbitral Discretion: the Closest Connection Test, Benjamin Hayward, Oxford University Press 2017
Sagi Peari, 240-244 


Volume 44 Issue 2


Chief Justice Wayne Martin, 1-4

Essential qualities and developments in international courts and tribunals
Robert French, 5-31

The curious case of ISDS arbitration involving Australia and New Zealand 
Luke Nottage and Amoukura Kawharu, 32-70

EU-style investment courts
Kyle Dickson-Smith, 71-119

How ISDS tribunals have and should have dealt with host state allegations that foreign investments were made violating local laws
Sam Luttrell, 120-143

The Development Objective as an Imperative in Interpretation Of International Investment Agreements
Dominic Npoanlari Dagbanja, 144-196

Book review

Asia's Changing International Investment Regime, Julien Chaisee, Tomoko, Ishikawa, Sufian Jusoh, (Eds), Springer, 2017
Luke Nottage and Ana Ubilava, 195-208

Volume 44 Issue 1


Challenging the Legal Profession a Century On: The Case of Edith Haynes
Margaret Thornton, 1-20

Are 'Racial' Abuse and Invective an Inevitable Part of Australian Discourse?  Section 18C and the Implied Freedom of Political Communication
Larissa Welmans, 21-64

Construction of Contracts: The Ambiguity Gateway and the Current State of the Law
Maha Chaar, 65-89

International Trade, Polar Environments and Sustainable Development
Wygene Chong, 90-115

More Than Just a Humble Abode: The Implications of Constitutional Citizenship Rights for Passport Law
Fabian Di Lizia, 116-156

Practitioner papers

The 'Interest' Based Penalty Tests in Pacioccoa and Cavendish/Parkingeye and the Law of Penalties and Damages in Australia and the United Kingdom
Larissa Welmans and John Naughton, 157-171

Costs Orders in Federal Court Migration Litigation: An Empirical Analysis
Nicholas Cardaci, 172-187

Book review

Transnational Intellectual Property Law.  Text and Cases by Robert P. Merges and Seagull Haiyan Song.  Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK, Northampton MA, USA 2018
Michael Blakeney, 188-191



Volume 42 Issue 2


The Problem with Amann: Would an Agreement-Centred Approach to Remoteness Benefit Australian Jurisprudence?
Hugh Davis, 1-28

Reigniting the Lamp: The Case for Including People who are Blind or Deaf as Jurors
Brock Budworth, Trevor Ryan and Lorana Bartels, 29-55

Jumping the Wall: Geoblocking, Circumvention and the Law
Thomas Burke, 56-68

Trust the People or Business as Usual? An Examination of Law Participation in the Japanese Criminal Justice System
Kenny Yang, 69-87

Patient's Medical Records, Privacy and Copyright in Nigeria: On-Going Research
Titilayo O. Aderibigbe and Bankole Sopido, 88-109

Fragile Barriers: International Humanitarian Law in the Polar Regions
Wygene Chong, 110-118

Case note

The Dute We Owe: Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Indigenous Imprisonment and Churnside v Western Australia [2016] WASCA 146
Jacqueline Baker, 119-135

Book review

Hybridization of Food Governance.  Trends, Types and Results
Michael Blakeney, 136-138

Volume 41 Issue 2

Restrain Me Not: Mitchel v Reynolds and Early 18th Century Patent Law
Chris Dent, 3-24

Copyright Law in the Digital Age: Technology Companies Megabyte Back as Australia’s Fair Dealing Provisions Lag
Emily Marie Purvis, 25-36

The Paper Print Collection: How Copyright Formalities and Historical Accidents Led to Film History
Claudy Op den Kamp, 37-50

The Maker Movement: Copyright Law, Remix Culture And 3D Printing
Matthew Rimmer, 51-84

The Desirability of Open Access as a Means of Publication and Dissemination of Information: Time to Recast the Relationship Between Commercial Publishers and Authors?
Nikos Koutras, 85-100

Public Domain in China: A Historical and Empirical Survey
Ken Shao, 101-118

An Information Environmentalism Almanac: And Intellectual Property Governance Principles Here and There
Robert Cunningham, 119-138

‘Linux for Lettuce’: Open Source Biotechnology and Agricultural Innovation
Michael Blakeney, 139-150

Protecting Your Culinary Creation and Eating it Too: An Exploration into How Australian Copyright Law Can and Should Expand its Menu to Embrace Culinary Works
Sophie Pemberton, 151-204


Volume 41 Issue 1


Sharpening the Learning Curve: Lessons from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Joint Committee of Intelligence and Security Review Experience of Five Important Aspects of Terrorism Laws
Greg Carne, 1-48
Environmentally Sensitive Areas in Western Australia: Highlighting the Limits of the ‘Just Terms’ Guarantee
Lorraine Finlay, 49-66
Crime-used Property Confiscation in Western Australia and the Northern Territory: Laws Befitting Draco’s Axones?
Natalie Skead, 67-90
Green and Lindsay: Two Steps Forward – Five Steps Back Homosexual Advance Defence – Quo Vadis?
Kerstin Braun and Anthony Gray, 91-118

The Real Price of Paying Ransoms: The Australian Legal Position Concerning Ransom Payments to Terrorist Organisations
Amy Barber, 119-154

Will Australian Courts Move to a Caribbean Beat? The Question of a State’s Standing to Sue in the Tort of Misfeasance in Public Office
Anna Holmes, 155-202

The Admissibility and Use of Evidence of Prior Negotiations in Modern Contract Interpretation
Caitlin Moustaka, 203-250

Restitution of Art Looted During the Nazi Era, 1933-1945: Implications for Australia
Michael Blakeney, 251-274

State Consent and ‘Official Acts’: Clearing the Muddied Waters of Immunity Ratione Materiae for International Crimes
Liam C Elphick, 275-320

Case note

Hold Back the 'Battered Woman': Western Australia v Liyanage [2016] WASC 12
Dell Marie Butler, 321-342 

Book reviews

Natalie P Stoianoff et al (eds), Market Instruments and the Protection of Natural Resources (Edward Elgar, 2016)
Michael Blakeney, 343-344

Colin T Reid and Walters Nsoh, The Privatisation of Biodiversity? New Approaches to Conservation Law (Edward Elgar, 2016)
Michael Blakeney, 345-347

Volume 40 Issue 2

Papers presented at the 7th Transnational Commercial Law Teachers' Conference

Teaching Transnational Commercial Law in the African Context
Seig Eiselen, 3-22

The Cape Town Convention - The Australian experience & the View from the Classroom
Eva Chye, 23-40

Equity in Active Learning and peer-review in Designing international Commercial Law PG Units
Camilla Baasch Andersen, 41-54

Natural Resources and Teaching Transnational Commercial Law
Thomas Keijser, 55-68 

Commercial law developments

Explaining the Corporation to Students and Other Non-specialists: A Graphic Approach
Benedict Sheehy, 69-84

The Trendtex Principle in Australian Law: Context and Recent Developments
Glen Anderson, 85-112 

Case note

Natural Justice in International Commercial Arbitration: TCL Air Conditioner (Zhongshan) Co Ltd v Castel Electronics Pty Ltd
Tanya Shankar, 113-122


Volume 40 Issue 1


It's time exemplary damages were part of the judicial armory in contract
Lauree Coci, 1-38

Can Promissory Estoppel be an Independent Source of Rights?
Allison Silink, 39-71

Good faith and Post-Repudiation Conduct
Andrew Dahdal, 72-101

Tajjour v New South Wales, Freedom of Association, and the High Court’s Uneven Embrace of Proportionality review
Murray Wesson, 102-110

The Minerals Resource Rent Tax is Dead, Long Live Resource Rent Taxes?
Ian Murray, 111-137

Shareholder class actions – A critical analysis of the procedure under Part IVA of the Federal Court of Australia Act
Lang Thai, 138-162

Exploring the Alternatives: The Administration of Government as an Answer to the Williams Decisions
Adam Rompotis, 198-220

Pulling (Apart) the Triggers of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
Eleni Kannis, 221-243

Revisiting the ‘Wives’ Special Equity’: An Exploration of the Volunteer Requirement=
Yannis Nicholas Vrodos, 244-266

The Balancing Act: A Case for Structured Proportionality under the Second Limb of the Lange Test
Bonina Challenor, 267-305

Preventing Justice? A Principled Approach to the Commonwealth Control Order Regime
Lauren Bourke, 306-347

Investor-State Dispute Settlement: The Evolving Balance Between Investor Protection and State Sovereignty
Arseni Matveev, 348-386

Taking Body Parts To The Cashier: Are The Courts Too Slow To Register?
Alison Ho, 387-398

Case Notes

ACCR v CBA [2015] FCA 785: Nonbinding Shareholder Resolutions and Implications for Shareholder Activism
Michael Hey, 399-411

Book Reviews

Gonzalo Villalta Puig, Economic Relations between Australia and the European Union: Law and Policy
Reviewed by Bruno Zeller, 412-414

WA Developments

The Violation Of Principle And Perpetuation Of Gender Bias In The Western Australian Assault Causing Death Offence
Meredith Blake and Stella Tarrant, 415-435

Security of Tenure for Retirement Villages in WA – Does the Law Walk the Walk or Just Talk the Talk?
Pnina Levine, 436-462

Foetal Homicide Law Reform in Western Australia
Lorraine Finlay, 463-480

Re-Thinking the Evidence Act 1906 (WA), Section 31a Evolution, Experience and Back to Basics
William Yoo, 481-503

Volume 39, Issue 2


'Peter Johnston's contribution to public law in Western Australia'
Robert French, 11-24

The Tale of the Coins: France's Eighteenth Century Claim to Western Australia
Peter Johnston, 25-46

Property rights to our bodies and their products
James Edelman, 47-70

The Wagerup 23, the Government Agreements Act 1979 (WA) and Public Interest Litigation
Tom French and Anthony Papamatheos, 71-83

Sir Lawrence Walter Jackson
Nicholas Hasluck, 84-98

The Taxation of Native Title Payments for Indigenous Groups and Resource Proponents: Convergence, Divergence and Reform
Ian Murray and Stephen Wright, 99-149

Liability for Work Stress: Kohler Ten Years On
Peter Handford, 150-179

Protecting the Knowledge and Cultural Expressions of Aboriginal Peoples
Michael Blakeney, 180-207

Extradition from A to Z: Assange, Zentai and the Challenge of Interpreting International Obligation
Holly Cullen and Bethia Burgess, 208-238

Accessibility to the law - the contribution of super-tribunals to fairness and simplicity in the Australian legal landscape
Bertus de Villers, 239-269

The Duty of Confidence Revisited: The protection of confidential information
Nyuk Yin Nahan, 270-293

Money Politics: Judicial Review of Electoral Communication Expenditure Limits in Australia
Alice Drury, 294-318

The issuing of summonses by parliamentary committees - procedural issues and risks: A case study from Western Australia
Alex Hickman, 319-326

Nationhood Power and Judicial Review: a Bridge too Far?
Andrew Hanna, 327-372

The Good, the Bad and the Unhealthy: An Assessment of Australia's Compliance with the International Right to Health
Mariette Brennan, 373-417

The Corporations Power in Williams (No 2) (2014) 88 ALJR 701
Anna Olijnyk, 418-425

CPCF v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2015] HCA 1: Variation on a Theme
Ben Tomasi, 426-433

Prolonged Detention of Unlawful Non-Citizens: Plaintiff S4/2014 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2014] HCA 34
Lily Hands, 434-441

Case Note: Constitutional Limitations on Detention 'at Her Majesty's Pleasure': Pollentine v Attorney-General (Qld) [2014] HCA 30
Lily Hands, 442-451

Queensland v Congoo: The Confused Re-emergence of a Rationale of Equality?
Zoe Bush, 452-469

Book Review

Nicholas Hasluck, Legal Limits
Keiran Dolin, 470-474


Volume 39, Issue 1

Special Issue:  International Humanitarian Law

Introduction: The Road to Compliance
Phoebe Wynn-Pope, 1-3

The Impact of Criminal Prosecutions on Compliance with IHL: Challenges and Perspectives on the Way Forward
Serge Brammertz, 4-28
Domestic war crimes trials: only for “others”? Bridging national and international criminal law
Philipp Kastner, 29-50

Strengthening Compliance with International Humanitarian Law: The Work of the ICRC and the Swiss Government
Leonard Blazeby, Netta Goussac and Ambassador Marcel Stutz, 51-67
Preventing breaches of IHL through dissemination: The role of National Societies
Annabel McConnachie, 68-82
Increasing compliance with international humanitarian law through education, dissemination and training.
Dennielle Brassil, 83-108